
Russia Will Pay

The project of collecting, evaluating, analyzing, and documenting information on direct losses to civilian infrastructure in connection with Russian aggression

Since February 2022, the beginning of the war, the project has been conducted by KSE Institute (think tank at the Kyiv School of Economics) together with the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine.


The analysis of the caused losses is carried out by analysts by the KSE Institute team and volunteers from partner organizations, in particular, the Center for Economic Strategy, Dragon Capital, Anti-Corruption Headquarters, Institute of Analysis and Advocacy, Transparency International Ukraine, Prozorro.Sale, Prozorro, Ukrainian Council of Shopping Centers, CoST Ukraine, Vkursi Agro, TVIS Ukraine, Association of retailers of Ukraine (RAU), Center for Innovations Development, and Culver Aviation. The project is supported by USAID.


Background. On February 24, 2022, Russia started a full-scale, unprecedented war against Ukraine. As a result of a large-scale Russian invasion, thousands of civilians died, multiple cities were shelled with rockets, bombs, and artillery, and critical infrastructure facilities, industrial enterprises, thousands of kilometers of roads, and thousands of real estates were destroyed or damaged.


Project aim. The project’s aim is to document, verify, analyze, and estimate all material damage caused to Ukraine’s physical infrastructure. A register of damages and an aggregated database of material losses will be created in the framework of the project.


The collected data and the damage assessment will be used for the following purposes:

1) to document war crimes and human rights violations;

2) to the formation of claims against the Russian Federation in international courts for compensation for damage caused: lawsuits for international courts require aggregate evidence and a register of damaged objects in accordance of the methodology of estimating;

3) for individual compensation;

4) to receive war reparations and compensations for damage from the aggressor for the reconstruction of Ukraine. 


Data collection. The calculations are based on the analysis of several thousands of public notifications from Ukrainian citizens, the government, and local authorities about losses and damages throughout the country, as well as on the basis of public sources. Every citizen can also submit information about the loss of physical infrastructure, including residential buildings, due to the war using the RUSSIA WILL PAY resource, the chatbot or Kyiv Digital app.


It is very important to add the true information in a structural way. It helps the information to be used. In particular, you need to fill in the form on the portal in as much detail as possible, add videos and photos of the object and, if possible, the contacts of witnesses.


Anyone who provides information about the destruction will be guaranteed data confidentiality. Also, information about specific destructions will not be published. Only generalized statistics will be publicly available during martial law.

Report on losses as a result of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine

July 2024

Report on damages to infrastructure

from the destruction caused by Russia's military aggression against Ukraine

January 2024

Report on damages and losses to infrastructure

from the destruction caused by Russia's military aggression against Ukraine

June 2023

Report on Damages to Infrastructure

Caused by Russia's War against Ukraine One Year after the Start of the Full-Scale Invasion

March 2023

Assessment of damages

1 September 2022

Assessment of damages

Losses and reconstruction needs in Ukraine due to russia's military aggression

12 June 2022


Assessment of Damages and Losses to Ukraine’s Energy Sector Due to Russia's Full-Scale Invasion as of May 2024

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. January 2024

Analysis of the impact of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station explosion on the populated areas of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. September 2023

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. June 2023

The explosion at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power PlantDam has caused Ukraine at least $2 billion

The results of the analysis of flooded areas in the affected settlements following the demolition of the Kahovka Hydroelectric Power Station (HPS)

Over $54 billion in damage to Ukraine’s housing stock as a result of a full-scale war. May 2023

What environmental consequences has Ukraine suffered during the war, apart from the damage caused by the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station?

Partial Analysis of Flooding in the Oleshky Settlement Area after the Demolition of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant: Conclusions and Results

The analysis of the first four affected settlements after the explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. April 2023

Damages to Ukraine’s agricultural sector and land resources. April 2023

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. February 2023

Damages from the destruction of cultural and religious sites during the war have exceeded $1.5 billion. February 2023

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. December 31

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. November 30

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. September 30

Damages to infrastructure of Andriivka and Nemishaeve, Kyiv region. October 7

Damages to infrastructure of Makariv, Kyiv region. September 29

Damages to infrastructure of Babyntsi and Buzova, Kyiv region. September 21

Damages to infrastructure of Borodyanka, Kyiv region. September 16

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. September 5

Damages to infrastructure of Vorzel, Kyiv region. August 30

Damages to infrastructure of Motyzhyn, Kyiv region. August 25

The total amount of damage caused to Motyzhyn village in the Kyiv region due to the war is estimated at UAH 279.4 mln or $10.1 mln.


These are the KSE Institute’s data within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Motyzhyn’s infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Zemli. Digitized information about the infrastructure of the Motyzhyn is the most accurate damage estimate for today. 


Russian tanks entered the village of Motyzhyn in Kyiv region on the third day of the full-scale invasion of russian federation. For a month, the occupiers controlled the village and part of the roads leading to Kyiv.


As a result of hostilities in Motyzhyn, 527 buildings were destroyed and damaged in the village, of which 130 were completely or severely destroyed. 


The greatest damage and destruction was caused to the housing stock. In Motyzhyn 479 residential buildings and outbuildings with a total area of ​​39.5 thousand square meters were affected. 400 village residents suffered damages in the total amount of UAH 190.2 million. 


Due to the destruction of industrial facilities, Motyzhyn lost UAH 50.9 million. In the village, 36 out of a total of 57 industrial buildings were destroyed and damaged. 


The monetary assessment of the damage to the social infrastructure of the village is UAH 33.9 million. In Motyzhyn, 12 social objects were damaged as a result of hostilities. What’s more, the russian occupiers destroyed the Motyzhyn Lyceum, which had been in operation for more than 50 years, caused massive damage to the private dendrological park “Dobropark”. 


All calculations are made in accordance with the dollar exchange rate as of January 1, 2022. Find more information about the damage to the village’s infrastructure via the link.


More details

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. August 22

As of August 22, 2022, the total amount of damage to Ukraine’s economy from the damage and destruction of residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure (in monetary terms) increased to $113.5 bln. Compared to the calculations of August 8, the total amount increased by $3.1 billion.


The assessment is the result of joint work of the KSE Institute, the government authorities under the leadership of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development and the Ministry of Infrastructure in cooperation with other ministries and partner organizations under the umbrella of The National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War. 


The largest share in the total amount of damages belongs to the housing fund. As a result of hostilities, 131.3 thousand residential buildings were destroyed or damaged for $47.8 bln. 


In second place in the total amount are infrastructure damages, which continue to grow and as of August 22 reached $35.1 billion. According to the latest data, 311 bridges, 24.8 thousand km of communal roads, and state and local roads were damaged or destroyed as a result of hostilities. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Infrastructure, traffic has already been restored through 49 artificial structures on state highways, of which 20 — in the Kyiv region and 17 — in the Chernihiv region. 


According to the expert assessments, the damages caused to enterprises and industry increased to $9.5 bln, the education sector — to $3.9 billion, and transport — to $3 billion. The increase in these amounts is due to the increase in the number of damaged and destroyed objects. Also, we updated the methodology of calculation of small business damages (now we use oblasts instead of the largest cities), private enterreneurs we added. According to updated estimates, as a result of the war, Ukrainians lost over 188 thousand private cars, the total amount of such damage is $1.7 bln. These calculations do not take into account the number and value of cars not registered in Ukraine, so the actual amount of such damage may be higher.


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 15.3 thousand apartments, 115.9 thousand private houses, 388 enterprises, 18 civilian airports, 798 kindergartens, 43.7 thousand agricultural machinery, 1991 shops, 715 cultural facilities, 934 healthcare facilities, 119 social services facilities, 593 pharmacies, 17 administrative service centres have been damaged, destroyed or seized.


As of August 22, the losses of industries have not changed and amount to $129.7 billion. 


Compared to the last calculations, the minimum recovery needs for destroyed assets have increased by $9 billion, the total amount is already approaching $200 billion. The increase in the amount of needs is associated with the growth in the number of destroyed and damaged infrastructure facilities, industrial enterprises, and the spheres of culture, tourism and sports, which require reconstruction. 


The total amount of recovery needs takes into account only the reconstruction of destroyed objects according to the Build Back Better principle, taking into account modernization, and the additional need for liquidity for the restoration of enterprises. At the same time, this assessment does not take into account the general needs for the recovery of the economy, as well as additional needs for the modernization of assets that have not suffered damage and destruction. According to the Government’s estimates, taking into account these categories, the total need for financing the recovery and modernization of the economy is $750 billion.


The project team also includes volunteers from the Center for Economic Strategy, Dragon Capital, the Anti-Corruption Headquarters, Institute of Analysis and Advocacy, Transparency International Ukraine, Prozorro.Sale, Prozorro, Ukrainian Council of Shopping Centers, CoST Ukraine, Vkursi Agro, TVIS Ukraine, Retail Association of Ukraine, Culver Aviation, Center for Innovations Development. 


This assessment became possible due to the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine. The estimate and its result do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.


More details

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. August 8

Over the past week the amount of damage to Ukraine’s economy from the damage and destruction of residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure (in monetary terms) increased by over $2.1 bln and as of August 8 has reached $110.4 bln.


This can be seen from the analysis carried out within the “Russia will pay” project by the KSE Institute team (the analytical unit of Kyiv School of Economics) with the support of  the Presidential Office, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development.


According to new estimates, the biggest change occurred in the assessment of infrastructure damages, which already reach $33.4 billion. The project team received detailed information from the Ministry of Infrastructure on damaged and destroyed bridges, which allowed to calculate these damages and continue to improve the methodology. According to the latest data, 304 bridges and bridge crossings worth $1.8 billion were damaged or destroyed as a result of hostilities.


Works on the restoration of the automobile infrastructure of Ukraine are in progress. According to the information of the Ministry of Infrastructure, traffic through 49 artificial structures on highways of state importance has already been restored, the largest number of facilities has been restored in Kyiv (20) and Chernihiv regions (17).


Also, in the current week, damages in the spheres of culture, tourism and sports amounted to $1.3 billion. The increase of this amount by $400 million is associated with the growth in the number of damaged and destroyed objects and the receipt of updated data from the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development.


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 15.3 thousand apartments, 115.9 thousand private houses, 388 enterprises, 18 civilian airports, 764 kindergartens, 43.7 thousand agricultural machinery, 1991 shops, 27 shopping centers, 511 administrative buildings, 28 oil depots, 106,140 private cars, 634 cultural facilities, 764 kindergartens, 934 healthcare facilities, 119 social services facilities have been damaged, destroyed or seized.


As of August 8, the amount of losses increased to $129.1 billion. In comparison with the last estimates, such amount increased by $300 million. The largest share of losses caused to industry and Ukrainian enterprises — $29.8 billion. In second place in terms of the amount of losses — agro-industrial complex and land resources, for $23.4 billion. Another $18.2 billion — infrastructure losses.


According to experts of the “Russia will pay” project, the minimum recovery needs for destroyed assets increased by $3 billion over the last week and today amount to $188 billion. The increase in the amount of needs is associated with the growth in the number of destroyed and damaged infrastructure facilities and the spheres of culture, tourism and sports, which require reconstruction. At least $44.6 billion is needed to restore destroyed and damaged infrastructure facilities. And the recovery needs for cultural, tourist and sports facilities have increased by $700 million and amount to $2.3 billion.


The total amount of recovery needs takes into account only the reconstruction of destroyed objects according to the Build Back Better principle, taking into account modernization, and the additional need for liquidity for the restoration of enterprises. At the same time, this assessment does not take into account the general needs for the recovery of the economy, as well as additional needs for the modernization of assets that have not suffered damage and destruction. According to the Government’s estimates, taking into account these categories, the total need for financing the recovery and modernization of the economy is $750 billion.


This assessment became possible due to the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine. The estimate and its result do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. 


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Damages to infrastructure of Hostomel, Kyiv region. August 2

The total amount of damage caused to Hostomel city in the Kyiv region due to the war is estimated at UAH 9.5 bln or $343 mln. This amount does not take into account the damage caused to the airport “Antonov”, which is located in the no-fly zone.


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Hostomel’s infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Zemli. Digitized information about the infrastructure of the Hostomel is the most accurate damage estimate for today.


Hostomel became one of the key targets of russian occupiers on their way to Kyiv: it was shelled and bombed from the air, and landing forces tried to occupy the local Antonov airport. Heavy battles were fought for the airport and Hostomel itself, as the town was liberated only on April 2.


As a result of hostilities in Hostomel, almost 40% of buildings were destroyed — 4.5 thousand out of 11.8 thousand buildings in the city. 905 objects were caused complete or severe destruction.


The greatest damage was caused to industry — UAH 5.4 billion. In Hostomel, 130 economic buildings, 72 industrial buildings, 59 construction sites, and 57 warehouses were destroyed or damaged. Destroyed or damaged enterprises and warehouses of the following companies: VETROPAK HOSTOMELSKYY SKLOZAVOD, LLC RPE PIM, EKATERRA UKRAINE, KHAUS-EKO, WINDOWS DESING.


KSE Institute estimates at UAH 3.3 billion the damages to the Hostomel’s housing stock. In the city, 1,524 private houses, 111 apartment buildings, and 310 townhouses with a total area of ​​963.8 thousand m2 were affected.


Due to the destruction of social infrastructure objects, Hostomel’s damages are UAH 842.7 million, of which UAH 482 million — damages to commercial buildings, UAH 177.5 million — to educational institutions, and UAH 4.8 million to health care. In Hostomel, 4 schools, 2 kindergartens, a dispensary, a private clinic, 3 churches, 17 grocery stores, and 9 food establishments were destroyed among the social infrastructure facilities.


The city’s administrative infrastructure suffered another UAH 68 million. Among the damaged facilities are 2 post offices, a fire station, 5 government and administrative buildings, and 3 hotels.


All calculations are made in accordance with the dollar exchange rate as of January 1, 2022. The full report is available via the link: https://eng.rebuildua.net/hostomel


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Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. August 1

As of August 1, 2022, the amount of damage to Ukraine’s economy from the damage and destruction of residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure (in monetary terms) has reached at least $108.3 bln. 


The assessment is the result of joint work of the KSE Institute, the government authorities under the leadership of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, and the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development in cooperation with other ministries and partner organizations under the umbrella of The National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War. 


Compared to the previous estimate as of June 13, 2022, the total amount of documented damages increased by $12.8 bln. The key factor in the growth was the increase in the number of damaged and destroyed housing. This is the largest share of the total amount of damages. According to the latest data, at least 129,900 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged, of which 114,700 were private houses and 15,100 — apartment buildings. Damages due to the destruction of apartment buildings amount to $42.3 billion, and another $5.4 billion is damages caused to private houses. 


The total amount of damages caused to the infrastructure has reached $31.6 billion. As a result of hostilities, damages to enterprises and industry are already estimated at $8.8 billion.


The increase in the total amount of documented damages is also related to the growth in the number of destroyed and damaged education, health care, and social sphere facilities. As of August 1, 2022, 2,217 educational facilities were destroyed for $3.8 billion, damages caused to 903 medical facilities are $1.6 billion, and damages to 89 social sphere objects were estimated more than $300 million. 


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 388 enterprises, 18 civilian airports, 764 kindergartens, 23 shopping centers, 43.7 thousand agricultural machinery, 1991 shops, 27 shopping centers, 511 administrative buildings, 28 oil depots, 105,200 private cars, 634 cultural facilities have been damaged, destroyed or seized.


The amount of losses increased to a lesser extent — by $1.8 billion, and as of August 1, 2022, this amount is preliminarily estimated at $128.8 billion or UAH 3.7 trillion. After all, a complete or partial shutdown of a significant number of enterprises and institutions leads to a complete or partial shutdown of activities, loss of income, and an increase in expenses related to the war (for relocation, assistance to employees, etc.). The largest share of losses as a result of the full-scale war, started by russia, is in the sphere of industry and Ukrainian enterprises — $29.8 billion.


According to experts’ estimates, the recovery needs for destroyed assets are at least $185 billion or almost UAH 5.4 trillion. Recovery needs have increased by $19.9 billion compared to the last estimates due to the growth in the number of destroyed and damaged objects. 40% of this amount is needed to rebuild the housing stock — $75.3 billion. Another $42.3 billion is needed to recover Ukraine’s infrastructure. $18.3 billion and $17.5 billion — needs to restore the agro-industrial complex and land resources and industry and enterprises, accordingly. 


The total amount of recovery needs takes into account only the reconstruction of destroyed objects according to the Build Back Better principle, taking into account modernization, and the additional need for liquidity for the restoration of enterprises. At the same time, this assessment does not take into account the general needs for the recovery of the economy, as well as additional needs for the modernization of assets that have not suffered damage and destruction. According to the Government’s estimates, taking into account these categories, the total need for financing the recovery and modernization of the economy is $750 billion.


The detailed methodology is available in the report dated June 13, 2022.


* The specified property types of damages are not exhaustive in the following sectors.

** Due to a technical mistake, the data calculations from 06/13/2022 incorrectly indicated damages caused by the destruction of private and apartment buildings.


The project team also includes volunteers from the Center for Economic Strategy, Dragon Capital, the Anti-Corruption Headquarters, Institute of Analysis and Advocacy, Transparency International Ukraine, Prozorro.Sale, Prozorro, Ukrainian Council of Shopping Centers, CoST Ukraine, Vkursi Agro, TVIS Ukraine, Retail Association of Ukraine, Culver Aviation, Center for Innovations Development. 


This assessment became possible due to the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine. The estimate and its result do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.


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Damages to infrastructure of Bucha, Kyiv region. July 19

The total amount of damage caused to Bucha city in the Kyiv region due to the war is estimated at UAH 5.2 bln or $191,3 mln. This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Buchaʼs infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Zemli. Digitized information about the infrastructure of the Bucha is the most accurate damage estimate for today. 


The occupation of Bucha lasted more than a month. The fighting continued constantly until the city was liberated on March 31, 2022. During this time, there were 2,512 buildings in the city, 301 of which were completely or severely destroyed. 


The total amount of damage to infrastructure is UAH 5.08 bln, almost 50% is caused to the housing stock — UAH 2.4 bln, of which UAH 1.6 bln are due to the destruction of apartment buildings and almost UAH 679 mln — to private houses. In total, 861 private houses, 122 apartment buildings, 875 outbuildings, 149 townhouses, 202 garages and 35 greenhouses were destroyed and damaged in Bucha. The total area of the affected residential buildings is more than 1 million m2.  


The damage caused to the city’s social infrastructure amounts to more than UAH 2 bln. As a result of the war, 26 educational institutions, 20 hotels and recreation facilities, 5 cultural and religious institutions, 3 offices and conference centers, and 1 sports facility were destroyed and damaged in Bucha. Among all damaged and destroyed objects of social infrastructure, the largest amount of damage was caused to commercial facilities — UAH 1.8 bln, and educational objects — UAH 152.4 mln.


Due to the destruction of the industrial infrastructure in Bucha, the city lost UAH 290 mln. Among the 127 destroyed and damaged industrial facilities, there are 39 industrial buildings, 24 utility buildings and 5 warehouses.


Another UAH 487,9 mln of damage was caused to Bucha as a result of damage and destruction of the other infrastructure such as energy industry facilities and water and heating supplies. 


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The full report

Damages to infrastructure of Irpin, Kyiv region. July 14

The total amount of damage caused to Irpin town in the Kyiv region from the war is estimated at almost $922 mln or over UAH 25.3 bln. 


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Irpinʼs infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Zemli. Digitized information about the infrastructure of the Irpin is the most accurate damage estimate for today. 


At the beginning of the war in February 2022, Irpin town was one of the first settlements in the Kyiv region, suffered from the brutal crimes of russian troops, lasting for almost a month, till the Ukrainian army liberated it on March 28, 2022. During the occupation of Irpin, almost half of the total amount of buildings in the city were damaged – 10,500 buildings, of which 2,501 were completely or severely destroyed.


According to the KSE Institute expert assessments, in the total amount of damage, the largest share belongs to the housing stock and amounts to UAH 17.7 billion, of which UAH 11.6 billion is due to the destruction of apartment buildings in the city. In Irpin, 9,690 residential buildings and outbuildings with a total area of 4.1 mln m2 were destroyed and damaged. This share is 48% of the entire housing stock in town. 


In second place in terms of destruction is social infrastructure. As a result of the war, 53% of all social facilities in the city were destroyed, which led to damages in the amount UAH of 3.7 billion, of which UAH 1.3 billion were caused to educational institutions and UAH 236 million to healthcare. As a result of hostilities in Irpin, 54 educational institutions, 26 healthcare facilities, and 16 cultural and religious buildings were damaged or destroyed.


The hostilities, took place in the town, also caused the destruction of a significant number of industrial infrastructure facilities. According to the report by RebuildUA and KSE Institute, in total, 323 industrial buildings and constructions were damaged or destroyed. Damage caused to industrial infrastructure amounts to UAH 2.9 billion. 


Another UAH 262.5 million – damages caused to the destruction of government and administrative buildings and police and post offices. 


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The full report

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. June 13

The amount of damage to Ukraine’s economy from the damage and destruction of residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure (in monetary terms) is at least $95.5 bln or more than UAH 2.6 trillion.


Compared to the previous estimate of June 8, 2022, the total amount of damages decreased by $8.4 billion. The key factor in the decrease was the updated information and microdata from government agencies that made it possible to refine calculations regarding the amount and average cost of damages. The biggest change relates to the estimation of housing stock damages, in particular, due to more accurate calculations of the average area of damaged residential buildings, as well as the estimation of road damages by clarifying the average cost per kilometer and the number of damaged roads in already liberated regions. At the same time, there was an increase in the number of kilometers of damaged roads in regions where active hostilities are currently taking place, and as a result, an increase in the assessment of damage to these roads. 


The assessment is the result of joint work of the KSE Institute, the government authorities under the leadership of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, and the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development in cooperation with other ministries under the umbrella of The National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War. The results of this assessment were presented during the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2022) in Lugano, and are part of the report on the Ukraine Recovery Plan.


In the total amount of damages, the largest share is caused to residential buildings — 38% or $36.6 bln. Almost 121,000 residential buildings, homes for almost a million families, have already been destroyed and damaged as a result of hostilities. In second place in terms of damage is infrastructure — $31.3 bln. 


Missile attacks cause crucial damage to the industry, infrastructure, and other assets. Damage to businesses amounts at least $8 bln and is growing rapidly. These are the damages to small businesses, as well as large and medium-sized enterprises of state and private ownership, based on the received microdata. Another $4.3 billion — damages caused to the agricultural sector and agro-enterprises.


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 388 enterprises, 18 civilian airports, 779 medical institutions, 1,371 educational institutions, 690 kindergartens, 23 shopping centers, 28 oil depots, 105,200 private cars, 563 cultural and religious facilities have been damaged, destroyed or seized. At the same time, as of July 5, 43 bridges have already been restored and 941 km of state roads have been demined, according to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.


For the first time, a preliminary assessment of losses and recovery needs is presented. The total preliminary assessment of losses of Ukraine’s economy are $126.8bln or UAH 3.7 trillion. After all, a complete or partial shutdown of a significant number of enterprises and institutions leads to a complete or partial shutdown of enterprises’ activities, loss of income, and an increase in expenses related to the war (for relocation, assistance to employees, etc.).


According to preliminary KSE Institute team estimates, the recovery needs for destroyed assets is at least $165.1 bln or UAH 4.8 trillion. This assessment takes into account only the reconstruction of destroyed objects, technological modernization, and the additional need for liquidity for business entities to resume their activities. Another limitation of the current assessment is that it does not take into account the introduction of new standards in the construction of roads, public facilities, and modernization needs not directly related to the wartime consequences.


As well, these estimates do not take into account the damages and needs for the ecology, in particular the forest fund, and the demining needs of all land, water objects, and buildings (except modest estimates for agricultural sector and coastal tourist zones). According to the preliminary World Bank’s assessment, demining all territories requires more than $70bln. 


According to the government’s estimates presented in Lugano, the total cost of rebuilding Ukraine is approximately $750 billion. This amount includes not only the cost of rebuilding the destroyed facilities but also the need for fiscal support, modernization, and strengthening capacity of key economic sectors, as well as assistance to resume business and enterprise activities.

The detailed methodology is available via the link.


*The specified property types of damages are not exhaustive in the following sectors.

The results of this assessment are part of the report on the Ukraine Recovery Plan, as of June 13, 2022.


*The specified property types of damages are not exhaustive in the following sectors.

The results of this assessment are part of the report on the Ukraine Recovery Plan, as of June 13, 2022.


More details

Damages to infrastructure of Zabuchchya village, Kyiv region. June 13

As a result of the war, direct damage caused to Zabuchchya village (Kyiv region) is $1.8 mln or UAH 52.7 mln.


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute. The scale of destruction, damages and the level of bombing could be analyzed by digitizing high-precision drone images. The calculation of damages to the infrastructure of the village is based on the data collected in the framework of the Rebuildua project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Zemli.


Zabuchchya was completely occupied by Russian forces and was under occupation for almost a month. During this time, 188 buildings in the village were damaged, 46 of them were severely or completely destroyed.


Among all infrastructure facilities, residential buildings were damaged the most. Losses to the housing stock amount to UAH 40.6 million. The village lost another UAH 9.3 million due to homesteads and garages that were destroyed during the occupation, there were 97 such facilities.


During the war, 4 of the 5 existing shops and 1 retail facility were destroyed in the village. These damages will cost UAH 1.8 million for the village and its inhabitants. Losses due to the destruction of industrial infrastructure amount UAH 1 million.



The full report

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. June 8

As of June 8, the total adjusted amount of direct damage to Ukraine’s economy from damage and destruction of residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure is $103.9 bln, or UAH 3 trillion. 


Some reduction in the total amount of direct infrastructure damage (by $2.6 billion) is due to the recalculation of losses caused to certain categories of the railway infrastructure, private cars, religious and cultural buildings. At the same time, the “organic” increase in the value of damaged/destroyed property as a result of hostilities over the past week is $1 billion. 


In the last week, the damage to enterprises, educational and healthcare institutions, kindergartens, administrative buildings, and warehousing infrastructure has increased. Damage caused to the destruction and damage to Ukrainian enterprises has already reached $11.5 bln, educational institutions — $1.6 bln, medical institutions —  $1.1 bln, and kindergartens — $576 mln.


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 44.8 million square meters of housing, 256 enterprises, 656 medical institutions, 1,177 educational institutions, 668 kindergartens, 198 warehouses, 20 shopping centers and 28 oil depots have been damaged, destroyed or seized. 


At the same time, as of June 8, project analysts have clarified the amount of damage to railway infrastructure and rolling stock. Compared to the previous report, the damage in this category decreased by $1 billion and amounted to $2.7 billion for today. 


Clarifications are related to the adjustment of the rate of damage to property in uncontrolled areas. The recalculation was made on the basis of the approach that damaged 40% of the total value of the real estate (buildings, structures, tracks, real estate) and 100% of the value of the movable property (locomotives, cars, tools, computers). Regarding this assumption, there is a continuing discussion with Ukrzaliznytsia, as the UZ assumed all assets are 100% lost on uncontrolled territories. After the liberation of the territories and gaining access to the property on these territories, a recalculation will be made for a more accurate assessment of damages.


The reduction of damage to destroyed/damaged private cars exists due to the recalculation of average prices for this transport by region. Reduction of losses from damage, destruction, or loss of cars is associated with the recalculation of average prices for this transport, as well as obtaining more accurate data. In previous reports, the damage to car losses was calculated basis on the average price of cars in the country as a whole, while the current estimate is formed based on the breakdown of the average price by city. According to updated estimates, as a result of the war, Ukrainians lost almost 105,000 private cars, the total amount of such damage is $968 mln. These calculations do not take into account the number and value of cars not registered in Ukraine, so the actual amount of such damage may be higher.


The assessment was changed in terms of damage to religious and cultural buildings. Due to the specificity of this category, the availability of data on the value of religious sites is very limited. The latest interpretation of the methodology for a more objective assessment assumes that the value of large cultural facilities averages about UAH 100 million, while the average cost of smaller buildings is about UAH 20 million. 


According to the latest data, at least 141 religious and 203 cultural buildings have already been destroyed or damaged by the hostilities, direct damage caused to churches, laurels, and cathedrals is $81mln, as well as damage to cultural property, is $272 mln. The largest number of damaged religious, cultural, and sports facilities is in Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Donetsk regions.


Map of damaged religious, cultural and sports facilities by region as of 08.06.2022, number


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion.



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Damages to infrastructure of Ozera village, Kyiv region. June 1

Direct damage caused to Ozera village in the Kyiv region from the war amounted $12.6 mln or over UAH 368 mln 


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Ozera infrasctructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Agro. 


Out of the total amount of damage in Ozera of UAH 368 mln or $12.6 mln, the largest part is losses from damage to housing and outbuildings – UAH 302 mln. During the occupation, 159 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged (a quarter of the housing stock of the village), and 139 outbuildings and garages. 


Before the war, the village had a developed infrastructure and considerable industrial capacities: a fishing plant, production of biofertilizers, boilers, and ceramic blocks. For today, the damage caused to industrial facilities reaches UAH 56.2 mln. In total, 13 industrial infrastructure facilities were damaged in the Ozera village.


Damage to social infrastructure in the village amounts to another UAH 5.64 mln, as well as damage to administrative buildings is UAH 4.56 mln. 3 shops, 2 administrative buildings, 2 educational institutions, a church and a pharmacy were destroyed or damaged as a result of hostilities. 


The assessment of the destruction, damage, and level of bombing in the village became possible due to digitizing high-precision images from drones. It allows having the most accurate estimates of damage to the Ozera for today. Satellite images of Maxar Technologies also showed that in March 2022 the occupiers built earthen ramparts in the locality to hide their military equipment. 


According to digitized photographs, it is known that out of 1571 buildings in Ozera, 320 were damaged due to the war, 127 of which were completely or severely destroyed.  


The full report

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastrucrure. May 25

As of May 25, the total amount of direct damage to Ukraine’s economy from damage and destruction of residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure reached $105.5 billion, or over UAH 3.1 trillion. Over the past week, the direct losses of Ukraine’s economy due to the destruction and damage to civilian and military infrastructure increased by over $8 billion.


The increase in the total amount of damage in the current week is due to the increase in damage caused to the housing stock, enterprises, and retail. 


The amount of damage due to the destruction of the real estate increased by another $5.5 bln. As of May 25, the total amount of damage to the housing stock amounted to $39.3 bln. 


Cities such as Mariupol, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Severodonetsk and Lysychansk were affected the most from the destruction of the housing stock. In total, more than 44 million square meters of Ukrainian housing were damaged, destroyed, or seized due to the war. The figure is related to the further destruction and addition of new cities to the list of settlements for which the calculation of damage is carried out. 


The total amount of direct documented damage to Ukrainian enterprises has already reached $11.3 bln. Over the past week, this figure has increased by $591 mln. Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 227 enterprises, plants, and factories have been damaged or destroyed, or seized. 


For the first time, damage to Ukrainian retail has been added to the current calculations. As a result of the war, at least 2,910 outlets were damaged and the total damage is $1.4 bln.


The losses from damage, destruction or loss of cars is almost $1.6 bln. In total, such cars are almost 105 thousand. Donetsk, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Chernihiv, and Kyiv are among the regions with the largest number of damaged cars.


Map of damage and destruction of cars breakdown by region, number


This week, the damage caused to educational institutions increased by $103 mln and now amounts to $1.5. bln. The number of losses caused by health care facilities increased by another $45 mln. In the breakdown by type of healthcare facilities, hospitals, polyclinics, and disease control and prevention centers were destroyed or damaged the most as a result of the war, followed by the number of outpatient clinics. A total of 643 medical facilities have been destroyed or damaged. Direct damage to healthcare facilities amounts to more than $1.1 bln.


Graph of health facilities most affected by hostilities breakdown by types, units


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 23.8 thousand kilometers of roads, 6.3 thousands of railways and 41 railway bridges, 643 health care facilities, 1,123 educational institutions, 621 kindergartens, 192 cultural and 115 religious buildings, 178 warehouses, 99 administrative buildings, 28 oil depots, 19 shopping centers have been damaged, destroyed or seized. 


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion.



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Damages to infrastructure of Pushcha-Vodytsya, Kyiv region. May 23

Direct damage caused to Pushcha-Vodytsya infrastructure during the war amounted to more than half a billion UAH 


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Pushcha-Vodytsya infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Agro. 


According to the expert assessments, out of the total amount of UAH 512 mln or $ 17.5 mln, almost UAH 350 mln are losses from damage and destruction of social infrastructure in Pushcha-Vodytsya. Damage to residential and homestead buildings amounts to more than UAH 113 mln. 


Due to the completely destroyed fire department, Pushcha-Vodytsya had lost another UAH 47.7 mln. Direct damage caused to industrial infrastructure, in particular, warehouses, amounted to UAH 2.14 million.


In total, 34 residential and homestead buildings, 5 sports facilities, 5 health care and recreation facilities, 2 hotels, 1 shop, and 1 cafe were destroyed in the Pushcha-Vodytsya. In addition, 3 warehouses were damaged or destroyed. 


The assessment of the destruction, damage, and level of bombing in the village became possible due to digitizing high-precision images from drones. It allows having the most accurate estimates of damage to the Pushcha-Vodytsya for today.


According to digitized photographs, it is known that out of 1920 buildings in Pushcha-Vodytsya, 56 were damaged due to the war, 23 of which were completely or severely destroyed.  


The full report

Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. May 19

During the last week, direct losses to civilian infrastructure documented based on publicly available evidence (that is, this is a lower bound estimate and the true losses are likely to be times higher), increased by $3.1 billion. As of May 19, the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages, based only on public sources, is $97.4 billion. 


For the third week in a row, as a result of hostilities, the losses from damaged and destroyed residential buildings continue to grow. According to analysts, the amount of damage due to the destruction of the housing stock increased by almost $3 billion. As of May 19, 38.6 million square meters of housing stock were destroyed or damaged. The total amount of this damage has reached $33.9 billion. 


Total losses from destruction and damage to industrial enterprises also increased by $272 million over the last week, and the total amount is $10.7 billion. Since the beginning of the war 219 plants, factories, and enterprises have been destroyed, damaged, or seized.


Furthermore, over the last week, another 75 educational institutions were damaged and destroyed, with a total of 1,067 since the beginning of the war. The damage caused to educational facilities is almost $1.5 billion. According to the latest estimates within the project «Russia will pay», at least 94.5 thousand private cars were destroyed, damaged, or seized.  


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 12 civilian airports, 295 bridges and bridge crossings, 591 kindergartens, 574 healthcare institutions, 108 religious and 179 cultural buildings, 169 warehouses and 19 shopping malls. 


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion.



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Damages to infrastrucuture of Horenka village, Kyiv region. May 16

Direct damage caused to Horenka village in the Kyiv region from the war amounted almost $85 mln or UAH 2.5 billion. 


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Horenka infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Agro.


Horenka is one of the most suffered villages in Kyiv region, which was in a kilometer zone of the front since the first days of the war. In March, according to the Ministry of Defense, the village was shelled by Russian troops, in particular from multiple rocket launchers. Thanks to the digitization of high-precision images from drones, it was possible to assess the level of destruction, damage and analyze the level of bombing. These are the most accurate estimates of Horenkaʼs losses for now. 


According to the report by RebuildUA and KSE Institute, due to the war, almost 1.2 thousand buildings were destroyed or damaged, of which more than a thousand were residential and homestead buildings. Damage from the destruction of these buildings amounts to UAH 1.37 billion. During the active hostilities in the Horenka village, 105 industrial infrastructure facilities in the village were damaged and destroyed. 


Destroyed enterprises and warehouses of the following companies: KUEHNE+NAGEL, Inter Cars Ukraine, BILLERBECK UKRAINE FEATHER AND DOWN FACTORY LLC, KLIMTEK LLC, TRANS LOK LLC, PROMZIZ. According to KSE Institute analysts, the damage from the destruction of industrial infrastructure is UAH 1.07 billion.


Furthermore, there are 17 trade establishments, 3 shops, 3 food establishments, 1 church, 1 educational establishment and 1 medical lab among the damaged objects of social infrastructure. Damage to Horenka’s social infrastructure is over UAH 48 million. The village has lost another UAH 2 million from the destruction of administrative buildings. 


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Damages to Ukraine’s infrustracture. May 10

As of May 10,  the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages, based only on public sources, is over $94 billion or almost 2.8 trillion hryvnias. Over the past week, the direct losses of Ukraine’s economy due to the destruction and damage to civilian and military infrastructure increased by over $2.4 billion.


According to new estimates, the largest increase in losses was the growth in the number of damaged and destroyed residential buildings as a result of hostilities. As estimated by the project analysts, 35.2 million square meters of the housing stock were destroyed or damaged due to the war. The total amount of damage is $31 billion. Compared to the previous calculations, the figure increased by almost $1.3 billion. Cities such as Mariupol, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Rubizhne suffered the most from the destruction of the housing stock.


The losses from the destruction of 27 oil depots amount to $227 million.


In addition, the total number of destroyed or damaged educational institutions is almost one thousand, and losses reach $1.3 billion.


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 208 factories and enterprises, 508 healthcare institutions, 562 kindergartens, 156 warehouses, 992 educational institutions, 295 bridges and bridge crossings, 102 religious buildings, 83 administrative buildings, 27 oil depots, and 12 civilian airports and have been damaged, destroyed or seized.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion.



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Damages to infrastructure of Moschun village, Kyiv region. May 6

Direct damage caused to Moschun village in the Kyiv region during the war amounted to almost UAH 1.1 billion or $37.3 million.


This can be seen from the analysis carried out by the KSE Institute team within the “Russia will pay” project. The calculation of the damage to Moschun infrastructure was carried out on the basis of data collected in the framework of the RebuildUA project, initiated by SmartFarming and Vkursi Agro.


Digitized information about the infrastructure of the Moschun village is the most accurate damage estimate for today. The data was collected through the digitization of high-precision drone images. It allows analysts to estimate the level of damage and to make a thermal map of damage and levels of the bombing.


According to the report by RebuildUA and KSE Institute, digitized information about the infrastructure of the village shows that two thousand buildings were damaged or destroyed in the Moschun during the war. 


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, in the Moschun 921 private houses were damaged or destroyed, as well as farm buildings and structures. As a result of hostilities, 20 industrial buildings, 18 greenhouses, 3 shops, 2 hotels, a school, a church, a house of culture, and a post office were also destroyed and damaged. 


The largest losses in the total amount were caused to the village due to the destruction of private houses and amounted to UAH 954 million or $32.6 million. Losses from damage and destruction of business premises are estimated at UAH 94.7 million, or more than $3.2 million. Losses of enterprise assets amounted to UAH 21 million, or $718 thousand. 


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Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. May 2

As of May 2, the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages, based only on public sources, is almost $92 billion or over UAH 2.7 trillion. During the last week, direct losses to civilian infrastructure documented based on publicly available evidence (that is, this is a lower bound estimate and the true losses are likely to be times higher), increased by almost $4.5 billion.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion. 


The new calculations of the project add the КSE Institute estimates on the loss of cars (determined on the basis of indirect methods) caused by the destruction, damage or seizure of private cars. According to KSE analysts, there are at least 89.5 thousand such cars, and the total value of such cars, according to preliminary estimates, is more than $1.3 billion. 


Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, at least 195 factories and enterprises, 231 healthcare institutions, 543 kindergartens, 940 educational institutions, 295 bridges and bridge crossings, and 151 warehousing infrastructure have been damaged, destroyed or seized. In addition, at least 97 religious and 144 cultural buildings were damaged or destroyed during the war. As a result of hostilities, at least 23.8 thousand kilometers of roads and 33.7 mln square meters of housing stock were damaged, destroyed or seized.


As of May 2, the direct damage caused to Ukraine’s enterprise assets has reached almost $10 billion.



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Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. April 26

As of April 26, the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages, based only on public sources, is almost $88 billion or almost UAH 2.6 trillion. During the last week, direct losses to civilian infrastructure documented based on publicly available evidence (that is, this is a lower bound estimate and the true losses are likely to be times higher), increased by $3.1 billion.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion. 


Overall, during the 62 days of Russia’s war against Ukraine, 23 574 kilometers of roads, 37 million square meters of real estate were damaged, destroyed or seized. Compared to the last week, the number of damaged or destroyed objects has increased, and now at least 535 kindergartens, 866 educational institutions, 231 medical institutions, 173 factories and enterprises were damaged by the war. The list of damage and destruction due to the war includes at least 75 administrative buildings, 277 bridges and bridge crossings, 11 military airfields, 17 airports and 2 ports. At least 95 religious and 130 other cultural buildings were damaged, destroyed or seized.


Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions are among the regions where educational institutions were most damaged and destroyed. Since the war began, more than 30% of educational institutions in the Donetsk region were destroyed and damaged, in the Luhansk region – more than 23%, in the Kharkiv region – almost 19%. In the capital, more than 5%.



The largest losses in the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages are the costs of housing and enterprise assets. Thus, 40% of the total number of damaged, destroyed or seized residential buildings and enterprises is in Donetsk region, 23% is concentrated in Kharkiv region, 12% – in Chernihiv region and 8% – in Kyiv region.


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Damages to Ukraine’s infrastructure. April 18

As of April 18, the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages, based only on public sources, is $84.8 billion or almost UAH 2.5 trillion. During the last week, direct losses to civilian infrastructure documented based on publicly available evidence (that is, this is a lower bound estimate and the true losses are likely to be times higher), increased by $4.45 billion.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion. 


Overall, during the 54 days of Russia’s war against Ukraine, 23 thousand kilometers of roads, 37 thousand square meters of real estate were damaged, destroyed or seized. Compared to the last week, the number of damaged or destroyed objects has increased, and now at least 406 kindergartens, 605 educational institutions, 206 medical institutions, 154 factories and enterprises were damaged by the war. The list of damage and destruction due to the war includes at least 68 administrative buildings, 277 bridges and bridge crossings, 11 military airfields, 17 airports and 2 ports. Also, as of April 18, at least 91 religious and 115 other cultural buildings were damaged, destroyed or seized.


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Damages to Ukraine's infrastructure. April 11

During the last week, direct losses to civilian infrastructure documented based on publicly available evidence (that is, this is a lower bound estimate and the true losses are likely to be times higher), increased by $12.2 billion. As of April 11, the total amount of direct documented infrastructure damages, based only on public sources, is $80 billion.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $564 billion to $600 billion.


During the 47 days of Russian aggression in Ukraine, 23 thousand kilometers of roads, 37 thousand square meters of real estate, 319 kindergartens, 205 medical institutions, 546 educational institutions, 145 factories and enterprises were damaged, destroyed or seized. In addition, 54 administration buildings, 277 bridges and bridge crossings, 10 military airfields, 8 airports, 2 ports were damaged by the war. Thus, as of April 11, at least 74 religious buildings and 62 other cultural buildings were damaged, destroyed or seized.


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Damages to Ukraine's infrastructure. April 1

Direct losses to civilian infrastructure documented based on publicly available evidence (that is, this is a lower bound estimate and the true losses are likely to be times higher), over the last week alone are over USD 5 billion. As of April 1, the total amount of damages is $68,2 billion.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, total economic losses since the beginning of the war are at least $564-600 billion. These losses take into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc).


Since the beginning of Russia’s military aggression on February 24, at least 533 institutions of secondary and higher education, 300 kindergartens, 196 healthcare institutions, 129 factories/ warehouses. The Ministry of Community and Territorial Development estimates that 6,800 residential buildings were damaged or destroyed. According to the KSE Institute, the total amount of damaged / destroyed residential real estate is about 26 million square meters. In addition, 54 administration buildings, 260 bridges and bridge crossings, 10 military airfields, 8 airports, 2 ports were damaged by the war. During full-scale Russia’s invasion, the occupiers caused damage to Ukraine, destroying or damaging 64 religious buildings and 51 cultural objects.


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Damages to Ukraine's infrastructure. March 24

As of March 24, the damage caused to Ukraine’s infrastructure during the war has already reached $63 billion, or more than UAH 1,8 trillion.


Compared to the previous estimate published on March 17, taking into account the new data on damage, as well as improving the methodology and more accurate assessment of various objects, the condition of which can be better determined, net growth amounted to $3.5 billion.


As estimated by the Ministry of Economy and KSE, the overall Ukraine’s economic losses due to the war, taking into account both direct losses calculated in this project and indirect losses (GDP decline, investment cessation, outflow of labor, additional defense and social support costs, etc), range from $543 billion to $600 billion.


Since the beginning of Russia’s military aggression on February 24, at least 4431 residential buildings, 92 factories/ warehouses, 378 institutions of secondary and higher education, 138 healthcare institutions, 12 airports, 7 thermal power plants/hydroelectric power plants have been damaged, destroyed or seized in Ukraine.


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Damages to Ukraine's infrastructure. March 17

During the week, the damage caused to Ukraine’s infrastructure in the war started by Russia increased by at least $8.4 billion. On March 17, this amount was 1.8 trillion hryvnias or $62.7 billion. Compared to the previous estimate published on March 10, the amount of losses increased by 330 billion hryvnias or $8.4 billion.


Since the beginning of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine on February 24, at least 411 educational institutions, 36 health care facilities, 1,600 residential buildings, 26 factories / storages, 15 airports, 6 thermal power stations / hydroelectric power stations, etc. 6 TPPs / HPPs, etc. were damaged, destroyed or captured. In addition, more than 15,000 kilometers of roads, 5,000 kilometers of railways were “lost”, 350 bridges and bridge crossings were destroyed, etc.


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Damages to Ukraine's infrastructure. March 10

According to the preliminary estimate of KSE, the total value of damaged / destroyed objects in case of their complete destruction can be up to 1.5 trillion hryvnias or up to $54.3 billion.


However, the cost of repairing these losses is likely to be much higher, as it will be necessary to dismantle the destroyed buildings / structures and totally rebuild a significant number of them.


In particular, according to the latest information, at least 200 educational institutions, 30 health care facilities, 8 churches, 1,600 residential buildings, 19 office buildings, 23 factories / storages, 12 airports, 5 thermal power stations / hydroelectric power stations, etc. have been damaged and / or completely destroyed. In addition, more than 15,000 kilometers of roads, 5,000 kilometers of railways, 12 airports, 350 bridges and bridge crossings, etc. were destroyed / disabled.


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These calculations are based on the analysis of several thousands of public notifications from Ukrainian citizens, the government, local authorities about losses and damages throughout the country, as well as indirect assessment methods such as calculating the estimated area of the war-damaged property in the most affected cities.


The methodology also includes the World Bank’s experience in analyzing losses in Syria and Iraq, as well as the recommendations of the leading Ukrainian investment company Dragon Capital. We are going to continue this work in the future, which will allow us to detail the assessment of the object by regions and types of buildings, losses of utilities and infrastructure, etc.


Indirect methods of estimating the value of destroyed residential real estate have been used due to the lack of regular public updates on the total number of destroyed and damaged dwellings, in particular by region and the number of private / apartment buildings. Also, the assessment of the value of damaged and destroyed housing now also includes the assessment of the need for expenditures for the dismantling of destroyed buildings and repairs in the buildings to be built. The valuation of the assets of enterprises no longer takes into account depreciation and added work in progress and inventories. Receipt of updated and detailed data from the Ministry of Infrastructure on the current amount of damaged / destroyed infrastructure objects, as well as their replacement value.


These estimates are not exhaustive: information on numerous damages and destruction may be missing due to the inability of citizens, local and state authorities to promptly record the damage in each city and town. Also, due to the lack of information at this stage, the assessment includes only losses from destruction / destruction of buildings, not taking into account the cost of equipment (including hospitals, research institutions, damaged vehicles, etc.). These estimates will be gradually added in the next stages of updating the indicator.


Currently, the evaluation does not take into account information on damage to natural resources, animal husbandry, stocks of companies (in warehouses, shops, etc.), moveable property, military property, telecommunication operators’ property, etc. caused by combat and mining operations. This information will be supplemented and clarified after the end of hostilities in the relevant regions of Ukraine.