- Kyiv School of Economics
- Private: Programs
- Faculty
- Ivan Gomza
In 2021-2024, Professor Gomza held the position of academic director of the public policy and governance program
Trained as a political scientist, he received his PhD in 2012 after studying at the Joint Franco-Ukrainian Ph.D. Program at the University of Paris X-Nanterre and the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Later, Dr. Gomza was a German fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2013, a fellow at the Fulbright Faculty Development Program in 2016-2017, a Petrach fellow at George Washington University in 2022, and a Petro Jacyk Non-Resident Scholar at University of Toronto in 2023.
Dr Gomza’s scholarly interests comprise warfare, democratization, authoritarian regimes, nationalism, contentious politics, and good governance. He authored two books (the most recent title is The Republic of Decadent Days: Ideology of French Integral Nationalism in the Third Republic, Kyiv: Krytyka, 2021 was long-listed for Ukrainian PEN-club award) and articles on the Ukrainian nationalism, authoritarian politics, and social movements published, among other outlets, by Problems of Post-Communism, Journal of Democracy, and Nationality Papers. Dr. Gomza also sits on Communist and Post-Communist Studies journal editorial board. In addition, he teaches five academic courses at Kyiv School of Economics and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and frequently gives public lectures.
International peer-reviewed journals
Gomza I. Putin's Inevitable Invasion, Journal of Democracy 33(3), 2022. – P. 23–30.
Laruelle M., Alexseev M., Goode P., Gomza I., Hale H. et al. Pandemic Politics in Eurasia: Roadmap for a New Research Subfield, Problems of Post-Communism, 2020.
Gomza I., Zajaczkowski J. Black Sun Rising: Political Opportunity Structure Perceptions and Institutionalization of the Azov Movement in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 47(5), 2019. – P. 774-800.
Gomza I., Tereshchenko D. They Divided the Sky: Elite Factionalism Factors During Contentious Politics In GDR, 1989, Ideology and Politics, 13(4), 2019. – P. 22-57.
Koval N., Gomza I. The Splendid School Assembled: Studying and Practicing International Relations in Independent Ukraine, Ideology and Politics, 13(2), 2019. – P. 51-91.
Gomza I. Catalytic Mobilization of Radical Ukrainian Nationalists in the Second Polish Republic: the Impact of Political Opportunity Structure, Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 4(2), 2018. – P. 35-75.
Gomza I. The Elusive Proteus: a Study in Ideological Morphology of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 48(2-3), 2015. – P. 195-207.
Gomza I. Das Asow-Regiment und die russische Invasion, Ukraine-Analysen 270, 2022: 6-9 [In German.]
Gomza I. La société civile ukrainienne pendant la guerre : la force des « liens faibles », Les Dossiers du CERI, Avril 2022.
Gomza I. Too Much Ado About Ukrainian Nationalists: the Azov Movement and the War in Ukraine, Krytyka, online publication, April 2022.
Gomza I. How to Hide an Empire: Naming and Nature of Russo-Ukrainian War, Krytyka, Vol. 1-2, 2022.
Gomza I. The Journey from Kyiv to Lviv, PONARS Eurasia, February 2022.
Gomza I. Gravity of Void: Remarks on the Structural Consistency and Empirical Validity of the Notion of Ustashism, Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 7(1), 2021. – P. 169-178.
Gomza I. The Political Consequences of Public Relations Miscalculations: Will Ukraine’s Anti-corruption Bureau be Terminated? PONARS Eurasia. – Policy Memo No. 694. – March 2021.
Gomza I. Ukraine Rides High While COVID-19 Lays Neighbors Low: But for How Long? PONARS Eurasia. – Policy Memo No. 652. – May 2020.
Gomza I. Justice Without a Blindfold: The Complex Politicization of a Notorious Ukrainian Court, PONARS Eurasia. – Policy Memo No. 629. – November 2019.
Gomza I. Quenching Fire With Gasoline: Why Flawed Terminology Will Not Help To Resolve The Ukraine Crisis, PONARS Eurasia. – Policy Memo No. 576. – February 2019.
Gomza І. Promises and Pitfalls of the ‘Year of Big Elections’: Civil Society and Civic Actors’ Attempts to Deliver Reforms in Ukraine Ukraine: Great Expectations. Ed. by Hanna Shelest, 2019 – P. 13-19.
Gomza І. Noctes Ucrainicae: рецензія на книжку «Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine» [Book Review], Україна Модерна, 25, 2018. – C. 306-319. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. Political Developments in Kyiv Oblast Prior to 2019 Presidential Elections, Аналітичні записки ЦПД НаУОА. – Research Note No. 4. – 2019.
Gomza I., Koval N. The Winter of Our Discontent: Emotions and Contentious Politics in Ukraine during the Euromaidan, Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, 1, 2015. – P. 39-62.
Gomza I. Decentralization, Infrastructural Power, and Separatism: Complex Relation within Authoritarian Regimes, Наукові записки НаУКМА. 173, 2015. – С. 55-61. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza I. Contentious Politics and Repertoire of Contention in Ukraine: The Case of Euromaidan, «Маґістеріум»: Політичні студії, 58, 2014. – С. 55-60.
Gomza I. Multi-Sectoral Classification of Authoritarian Regimes, Наукові записки НаУКМА, 160, 2014. – С. 11-21. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. The Impact of the Concept of National Decay upon the French Integral Nationalism: the Case of Action Français, Гілея: науковий вісник, 45, 2011. –С. 668-678. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. Personality Cult in World War II France: Maréchal Pétain as a “national Savior”, Наукові записки НаУКМА, 108, 2010. – С. 25-30. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. Ideological Convergence of Nationalism and Socialism under the Influence of the Concept of National Decay: the French Case, Практична філософія, 4, 2010. – С. 273-284. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. Historiography of the French Fascism: an Academic Protection of a National Myth, Наукові записки НаУКМА, 95, 2009. – С. 14-18. [In Ukrainian.]
National peer-reviewed journals
Gomza I., Koval N. The Winter of Our Discontent: Emotions and Contentious Politics in Ukraine during the Euromaidan, Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, 1, 2015. – P. 39-62.
Gomza I. Decentralization, Infrastructural Power, and Separatism: Complex Relation within Authoritarian Regimes, Наукові записки НаУКМА. 173, 2015. – С. 55-61. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza I. Contentious Politics and Repertoire of Contention in Ukraine: The Case of Euromaidan, «Маґістеріум»: Політичні студії, 58, 2014. – С. 55-60.
Gomza І. Personality Cult in World War II France: Maréchal Pétainasa “national Savior”, Наукові записки НаУКМА, 108, 2010. – С. 25-30. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza I. Multi-Sectoral Classification of Authoritarian Regimes, Наукові записки НаУКМА, 160, 2014. – С. 11-21. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. Ideological Convergence of Nationalism and Socialism under the Influence of the Concept of National Decay: the French Case, Практична філософія, 4, 2010. – С. 273-284. [In Ukrainian.]
Gomza І. Historiography of the French Fascism: an Academic Protection of a National Myth, Наукові записки НаУКМА, 95, 2009. – С. 14-18. [In Ukrainian.]
Light and Shadow of Populism. What is more from Populists - Threats or Opportunities
Statement of Political Scientist Ivan Gomza, in which he reveals the essence of populism through two metaphors - Doppelgänger and Chiaroscuro