
“Putin's New Weapon In The Ukraine Propaganda War: Internet Trolls” – Paul Gregory for Forbes


Paul Gregory, Member of KSE International Academic Board, Professor, University of Houston, USA outputs the role of internet trolls as a weapon of Putin’s propaganda in his new article for Forbes.

The internet troll army’s selling of the Kremlin’s parallel universe to the Russian people and to a skeptical Western audience is a matter of life and death for the Putin regime.  If the Russian people do not buy their story, Putin loses the high “ratings” on which his regime rests. If he cannot convince his Western audience, Europe and the United States will take actions that spoil his Novorossiya ventures and threaten his regime.  Trolling is a high stakes business that Putin takes seriously and the West must not underestimate.

“Due to the increasing number of users engaging in personal attacks, spam, trolling and abusive comments, we are no longer able to host our forum as a site for constructive and intelligent debate. It is with regret, therefore, that we have found ourselves forced to suspend the commenting function on our articles.”

Read the whole version of the article here