
CFA Society Ukraine presentation: Successful career in Finance and Investments– what is required today?

CFA Society Ukraine


Kyiv School of Economics invites all interested in investment analysis to the presentation by CFA Society Ukraine!


The presentation will cover the following areas:

  • CFA Institute as the largest association of investment professionals in the world
  • CFA Program as a globally recognized graduate-level selfstudy program for investment professionals.
  • CFA Institute scholarship opportunities for students to earn CFA Charter.
  • CFA Society Ukraine as a member of the global community of investment professionals
  • Career support to students from CFA Society Ukraine
  • CFA Institute Research Challenge as one of the most prestigious competition on research in the world
  • Ethics and professional conduct in the financial industry.



Tatiana Nichosova, CFA, a Vice-President, University Relations, CFA Society Ukraine.

Kate Lander, CFA, a Head of Education, EMEA Region, CFA Institute.


When: 12th of December, 9 a.m.


Where: Kyiv School of Economics (1 Ivana Mazepy Str.), room 206