
“Possible scenarios of reforms in Ukraine” – workshop by Mr. Dzurinda at KSE.


On December 10, Mr. Dzurinda, Slovak politician and former Prime Minister of Slovakia, will hold a workshop at Kyiv School of Economics in the context of advocating reforms and sharing the Slovak experience.  Mr. Dzurinda will explain in particular:

–  Why it is necessary and worth to promote reforms immediately, with a view of the economic situation in Ukraine; to explain the immediate downside of reforms – and long term opportunities, with relevant references to his time as Prime Minister.

–  What are the most urgent steps that should be taken and what are possible scenarios? In particular here he would like to focus on the process of stabilization and modernization.

–  Another aspect in his discourse would be how to undertake but also how to explain unpopular reforms, which could be painful steps for both the government and the citizens of Ukraine at this time. Explain the possible repercussions for citizens and government in dealing with the hardship of transformation.

Mr. Mikuláš Dzurinda is former Prime Minister of Slovakia and at present, President of the Martens Centre, the official political foundation of the European Peoples Party.

Date & time: December 10, 3:30 p.m.

Venue: Kyiv School of Economics, 1 Ivana Mazepy Str., Kyiv


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