
Change Management


Course description:


Why do most change and transformation initiatives, independent of company size, fail? Multiple reasons cause this failure but in its heart, we often see insufficient leadership. Often newly implemented systems (such as a new CRM or ERP) or organizational structures/ procedures are not accepted by the workforce and dammed to fail. We often see resistance in an organization and employees developing defense routines, boycotting new systems by e.g. running their old systems in the background. Consequently, the change initiative fails.

Successful change management requires changes to employee’s behavior, so there is a significant focus on people, culture, and behaviors needed to:

•       prepare the organization,
•       demonstrate the change and its benefits,
•       encourage buy-in while working with objections,
•       embed new behavioral norms and expectations around the change initiative.



– we are examining organizational change management
– focus is on the human side of change in organizational contexts


Key question: how can the change management process successfully link strategy with execution and deployment be fully accepted by the workforce to realize the expected benefits?


Learning outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
•    become a change agent who can implement the changes your organization needs to
•    building a robust change management team
•    draft an effective change agenda for hands-on implementation
•    build a shared vision of success around change initiatives
•    recognize how leadership styles and senior team characteristics affect change
•    make better decisions about the change initiative


Language: English


Exams & certification:

After the successful completion of the course the participants will get a certificate.

Contact us: Viber, WhatsApp +380 67 441 01 11

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