
Advanced Marketing and Sales

MBA course program


Sales & Marketing are essential parts of any business be it a large corporate organization or a start-up. Without adequate forms of Sales & Marketing an enterprise cannot strive to expand its business. This course does not artificially separate Marketing & Sales but sees it as one integral part of any enterprise that wants to build a sustainable business.


Course objectives include understanding the relationship between sales and marketing and in particular, we will touch the following topics:


  1. the sales process, sales force structure, customer relationship management, use of technology to improve sales force effectiveness, and issues in recruiting, selecting, training, motivating, compensating and retaining salespeople and
  2.  consumer behavior; marketing research and competitive analysis; marketing segmentation and position; market entry and pricing; retail selling, private labels, and channels of distribution; marketing communications; Internet marketing; corporate social responsibility and non-profit marketing.


Students learn to apply these topics through interactive discussions and case study analysis. The course is primarily an interactive learning experience including debates, cases, and
multiple opportunities to apply the theories that are discussed. The objective is to work with cases and guest speakers from different industries, focusing on our own experiences as
consumers (b2c) as well as business-to-business (b2b) sales issues.


Language: English

Exams & certification: After the successful completion of the course, the participants will get a certificate.

Contact us to get more details:

Viber, WhatsApp +380 67 441 01 11, mba@kse.org.ua