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- Денис БАШЛИК
4 Січня, 2018
Денис БАШЛИК. Директор департаменту Міжнародної співпраці та ринку земель Держгеокадастру
Denis Bashlyk is the Director of International Cooperation and Land Market Department of The State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre) Ukraine. StateGeoCadastre is the central executive body that is coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine via Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
StateGeoCadastre is responsible for implementation of the state policy in the matter of topography, geodesy, cartography, land relations and state land cadastre.
Denis is an international relations specialist known for his fruitful cooperation with a large variety of international organizations in Ukraine. Most recently his work has focused on providing transparency of land relations in Ukraine. As an example, one of the projects – is a development of legislation for monitoring of land relations in Ukraine. Also, he is responsible for remote sensing of agricultural land use pilot project. Due to his experience, Denis is also a major specialist in climate change area (mitigation and adaptation).