
“New Study On The Shooting Down Of MH17 Points To Russian Forces” – Paul Gregory for Forbes

“New Study On The Shooting Down Of MH17 Points To Russian Forces” – Paul Gregory for Forbes

14 Січня, 2015

Paul Gregory, Member of KSE International Academic Board, Professor, University of Houston, USA suggests a study on  MH17 Shooting Down and investigators routine in his new article for Forbes.

A new study on MH17 suggests that a trained crew of regular Russian forces operating on separatist territory shot down the aircraft. But doesn’t Putin tell us there are no such forces in Ukraine? The Kremlin can never tell the truth, and international investigators aren’t willing to interrogate separatists and Russian officials who allegedly pulled the trigger even though we know their names, addresses, and in some cases telephone numbers.

“Correct!V concludes that MH17 was shot down by a trained Russian crew that believed a hostile Ukrainian jet was approaching to attack the tanks they were protecting. Its screaming headline is that the shooters were trained Russian army specialists operating from separatist territory, which means that the Kremlin cannot confess to an accidental shooting.” 

Read the full article here