
Research seminar by Alberto Veira Ramos at Kyiv School of Economics

Income and occupation mobility during the first years of employment career is the main topic of the research seminar by Alberto Veira Ramos at KSE.


Alberto Veira Ramos, professor at University of Carlos III de Madrid, PhD in demography, holds the research seminar at KSE.

Implications of institutional settings governing the labor markets on the performance of young workers in Europe. Results from a cross-country comparative research

The main topic of discussion will be income and occupation mobility during the first years of employment career.
Search and matching models and human capital theories lead to different hypothesis of what can be the outcomes for young workers who experience job mobility (direct job to job mobility or after and unemployment episode). After conducting comparative research using panel data from different European countries, our findings suggest that outcomes can vary depending on the institutional arrangements that govern labour markets. These results fit within the frame proposed by Hall & Soskice (2001) about “Varieties of Capitalism”. Performance of young workers differ significantly between liberal and rather conservative “coordinated” economies. Southern European countries also offer a distinctive pattern of inception into the labor market of young workers.