
Meeting with José L. Cervera-Ferri: EU Statistical System


We are very pleased to invite you to a meeting with Jose Luis Cervera held on Monday (January 22nd) at 17.00 in room 206. This a closed-door meeting for KSE community only. 


The topic is EU Statistical System (ESS).


  • Organisation of the ESS: Eurostat and the Member States.
  • The EU Statistics Code of Practice
  • Legal aspects: principle of subsidiarity and legislative aspects
  • Mechanisms for coordination: the EU Statistical Programme, the ESS Committee and Working Groups
  • Example of EU statistical legislation
  • Implications for EU Neighbourhood countries signatory of Association Agreements
  • Q&A

José L. Cervera-Ferri, director of DevStat, is an international consultant in official statistics, with more than 25 years of experience in governmental and private institutions including all the different phases of statistical production, dissemination and planning.

His professional experience includes statistical capacity building activities in developing and transition countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Cape Verde), Latin America (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay), Arab Mediterranean and Gulf countries, Asia (Kazakhstan, Korea, Tajikistan) and Eastern Europe (Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russian Federation), which has provided him with the knowledge about problems in statistical systems in such countries.

He has worked as consultant in statistical projects financed by the European Commission, the European Agency for Reconstruction, the World Bank (TFSCB), the Inter-American Development Bank, the UN (UNECLAC, UNCTAD, UNICEF) and the ITU. He has been exposed to the international statistical system, having served as national representative in Eurostat and OECD working groups and task forces and member of the national delegation to UN Statistical Commission and other international forums.


When: January 22 at 5 PM

Where: Kyiv School of Economics


Please, follow this link for registration:
