
"Corporate Finance and M&A" – KSE Case Club Meeting


We are glad to announce KSE Case Club Meeting, which will be hold this Saturday, December 6th! The topic of the meeting is “Corporate finance and M&A”. The speakers of the session and our guides into the world of corporate finance will be:

  • Anna Kasilova, Senior Consultant at Corporate Finance and M&A Department
  • Tatiana Kalambet, Intern at Business Valuation and Business Modeling Department

During the meeting you will have an opportunity:

  • to understand the fundamentals of the business valuation
  • to discuss the different ways of financing the transactions and key players of M&A market
  • to ask the questions and discover more about EY

In order to participate, please, register:

Date&Time: 11.00 AM, December 6 (Saturday)

Venue: Kyiv School of Economics, room 206 (1 I. Mazepy Str., Arsenalna metro station)

For more information:

Phone: (+38097) 526 57 26