
Jean-Michel CRAMIER with Open Lecture at KSE!


November 17, Jean-Michel CRAMIER, Director of Corporate Relations and Executive Training at La Rochelle Business School will be holding an Open Lecture on the topic “What leaders really do”.

Leadership and management are two different and complementary systems of action. Both are necessary for success in an increasingly complex and volatile business environment. What is my personal orientation? Am I a leader or a manager? What are my personal talents?

Interested? You are welcome to join us!

Date & time: November 17,  4:30 p.m.

Venue: Kyiv School of Economics, 1 Ivana Mazepy Str., room 106.

To participate, please, register.

More about Jean-Michel CRAMIER

Jean-Michel CRAMIER, Director of Corporate Relations and Executive Training at La Rochelle Business School.  After managing the French firm of a US group for several years, Jean-Michel CRAMIER has chosen to help organizations and coach other top managers to develop professional and managerial efficiency. He is now the director of executive training and corporate relations at the La Rochelle Business School, one of the top business schools in France; and the co-founder of the French antenna of the World Institute for Action Learning, an American method used by Samsung, Microsoft, Boeing, the NASA and several more to solves their problems and develop their leaders.