
Семінар для викладачів вищих навчальних закладів відбудеться 5 грудня


Kyiv School of Economics invites faculty to the open seminar «Professional development: open recourses, digital science and international publications»


Kyiv School of Economics invites faculty to take part in seminar «Professional development: open recourses, digital science and international publications», aimed to promote the open access (Open Access) to the scientific literature and statistical data.The organizers of the seminar are the Kyiv School of Economics and ProstoScience project, this event takes place in the framework of the international conference OpenCon 2014.

In recent years, the international scientific community actively disseminate the idea of open access, which means free, permanent, full-text access to scientific and educational materials that are available on the Internet. Through this initiative, teachers, scientists and all interested can learn about the latest research in various fields and use them in their work.


Today only about 10% of peer-reviewed journals are in the public access. The purpose of the seminar – to share with Ukrainian Faculty resources that will be useful for their teaching and research. Also, participants will learn about the basic statistical data resources that are necessary for economic research, and the possibility of obtaining grants.

Seminar Target Group

The seminar is designed specifically for faculty of economic disciplines, working in higher education. We invite professionals aspiring to professional development and focused on innovation in their work. The seminar will be useful for teachers who actively use modern techniques and want to share their experiences with colleagues.

At the seminar, participants will learn about: 


  • access to open academic resources and statistics
  • tools for open scientific cooperation
  • the possibility of obtaining grants for faculty
  • the ability to publish articles in international journals
  • tools to detect plagiarism


One-day scientific workshop that combines expert presentations, discussion of the latest trends in the field of access to scientific resources and training.


Participation is free. The organizers will provide training materials and meals during the day. Participants are responsible for paying the cost of travel to Kiev.

To participate please fill out a form. Deadline for applications – November,24. Participants will be notified of the selection results by November,26.



Kyiv School of Economics is a world-class academic institution with a reputation for excellence both in Ukraine and internationally. KSE ranks among the top schools in Central and Eastern Europe, producing the future generation of world-class economists. In doing so, it helps to improve the economic, business, and policymaking environments of Ukraine and its neighbouring countries.

PROSTOscience is a project, launched in 2013 by a group of young researchers to create a bridge between scientists and practitioners from different countries all over the world and to spread the interdisciplinary ideas in the area of Information Technology and Economic Sciences. The focus of the Project is currently devoted to the Application of IT in Business and Economics and Economics of high-technology industries. It also promotes scientific cooperation between developed and emerging economies, encouraging equal and open access to the innovative ideas.

About OpenCon 2014

OpenCon 2014 is the student and early career researcher conference on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data and will be held on November 15-17, 2014 in Washington, DC. OpenCon 2014 is organized by the Right to Research Coalition, SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition. The Right to Research Coalition was established for assistance in free access to scientific publications. Since its launch, the Coalition has grown to represent nearly 7 million students internationally and counts among its members the largest student organizations in both the United States and Canada.  SPARC is an international alliance of 800 academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication.