
Essay Competition MindSketch starts November 1st!


policy analysis platform
VoxUkraine with
the support of the Raiffeisen Bank Aval
and Kyiv School of Economics and
media-partnership of LIGABusinessInform
is pleased to announce monthly competition of essays MindSketch


MindSketch is a monthly competition arranged to uncover most
urgent social and economic problems of Ukraine, which begins on November, 1st.
Every new round starts the first day of the month.

researchers, experts, professionals in various industries, graduates
and senior students, journalists, opinion makers and all responsible citizens
who are able to think philosophically and express their thoughts in articles are all
kindly invited to
participate in MindSketch competition.

Members of the Editorial Board or Advisory Board of VoxUkraine can not participate in the

Requirements to the essay:

  • An essay should formulate the problem, analyze its causes and propose possible.
  • An essay should not exceed 10 thousand symbols including spaces, and should include an abstract of up to 300 symbols, which would state the main idea of the text. Conclusions/policy recommendations should be included at the end of an essay.
  • Essays can be written in English or Ukrainian. 

is no restriction on the choice of essay topics. A successful essay will
express a deep and non-standard view on a problem. References to scientific
research results will be a plus. As an example, look at articles on
the VoxUkraine web-site.

The essays taking part in the competition
should be sent at [email protected]
with the
e-mail subject VoxUkraine Prizeuntil 23.59 of the last day of the month. Submissions
should include information about the author (s), current and past employment,
academic degrees or experience, and the URL of the author (s) web page. VoxUkraine
Editorial Board will select a winner every month.

of MindSketch will be announced on
the 15th day of the following month. Every
months there will be a
media event in the press-center of the Competition
media partner – LIGABusinessInform – on the topics raised in the winning essays
with participation of VoxUkraine representatives and experts on the subject.

The author of the month’s best essay will
receive a monetary prize
to USD
$500, and
his/her essay will be published on VoxUkraine web-site and in one of the
leading Ukrainian media.