
Pieter De Keyser, chief economist at PNB Paribas Fortis, gives an open lecture on September 15 at 7 PM

Peter de Keyser


“Kyivstar” and Kyiv School of Economics invite everyone to meet with the chief economist of BNP Paribas Fortis, Peter de Keyser


Peter De Keyzer – chief economist at BNP Paribas Fortis, a supporter of the free market, and the author of Growth Makes You Happy. If you want to know why subsidies do not save the weak sectors of the economy, and the market is much more important arbiter than the state, then you should attend the meeting with Peter de Keyser. 


Date and time: September 15 at 19:00 

Vanue: Center for Contemporary Art “M17” (Gorky Str. 102-104) 

Language: English 


Participation is free with mandatory prior registration!