
Most recent updates in the KSE Management Team

In 2019, the KSE Management Team was left by Tymofiy Milovanov, Vice President of Business Education, Yulia Klimenko and Vice President of Public Policy and Governance Inna Sovsun. Timofiy Milovanov has been Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine since August 29, 2019, and is the Honorary President of KSE on the Board of Directors. Yulia Klimenko and Inna Sovsun became MPs from the Golos faction in the Parliament of Ukraine.


The management team is headed by Natalia Shapoval, who became the CEO of the Kyiv School of Economics. Natalia also directs the KSE Institute, is a co-founder of Centre of Excellence in Procurement at KSE, a member of the Vox Ukraine Editorial Board. Natalia specializes in economic and political research in public procurement, health care procurement and strategic private sector development.


“We are continuing the path KSE has been going through in recent years – building the University. This year, we are launching several internal projects that add value to the client experience of students, clients, and strategic partners. This will increase the number of adults and students to whom we can offer educational products. Over the next 2 years, we intend to create a KSE Campus, prepare for our Bachelor’s Degree, build academic and analytical capacity, and scale Ukraine-Learns online and blended learning platform. ”


In February, Volodymyr Stetsyk, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Centre of Excellence in Procurement at KSE and a specialist with 14 years of business consulting experience in leading global companies in Europe and the Middle East, also joined the Management Team. At KSE, Vladimir became Vice President of Business Education.


“How to raise the productivity of your business? How to find “pain points”? How to increase productivity when employee motivation is low? How to find the right balance between extensive and intense growth? How we can apply the latest technologies within the current constraints? We will find answers to these and dozens of other difficult questions along with future CEOs in our updated 2020 MBA program. ”


Olesia Verchenko, Vice President of Economic Education, Rector:

“This year, another strong professor – Solomiya Shpak, a graduate of KSE, PhD at George Mason University (Virginia, USA) – is joining our faculty. In addition, we plan to deepen our cooperation with top employers in Ukraine in the near future. Namely, we will update the soft skills workshop programs for further employment of our students of our students from all three Master’s degree programs”


Olga Fariatieva became Vice President of Public Policy and Governance: “Since the inception of KSE Public Policy, we have been supporting the trend of lifelong learning among all adults working to solve social problems in Ukraine. We want all public servants, public figures to have more opportunities for qualitative and applied learning that can be combined with work. That is why this year we plan to expand the list of medium-term authorial programs from our teachers. The second goal we focus on is to improve the experience our students receive while studying at KSE. We will dedicate more time to processes tweaking and better understanding their needs and wants. I dream of a community which will change Ukraine for the better”


Taras Doronyuk headed economic and political research at KSE: “In 2020 our team of top ukrainian analysts expands expertise in the areas of corporate governance, market design and the labor market. For example, we are now generating solutions to make access to the rail freight market transparent to all market players. The team also continues analytical support for public procurement reforms. In the active phase, we analyze the Canadian-Ukrainian bilateral trade data. Another interesting area for us is the analysis of internal and external investments, in particular which companies are attracted to them, how it affects labor productivity and so on. We have also recently launched a health care business separate from government consulting. We are now deepening our expertise in developing medical technology assessment reports, which is relevant for pharmaceutical companies. ”


KSE Management Team consists of seven members:

  • Natalia Shapoval – Head of the Management Team / CEO
  • Olesia Verchenko – Vice President for Economic Education, Rector
  • Volodymyr Stetsyk – Vice President for Business Education
  • Olga Fariatieva – Vice President for Public Policy and Politics
  • Taras Doronyuk – Head of Economic and Political Reasearch at KSE Institute
  • Vitaly Gorduz – Vice President of Finance and Legal Affairs / Chief Financial Officer
  • Ilona Sologub – CEO of VoxUkraine