
KSE position on the appointment of Tymofiy Mylovanov to the post of Minister of Economy of Ukraine

August 29, 2019

Management of Kyiv School of Economics supports Tymofiy Mylovanov in his desire to develop the economy of Ukraine. We are confident that as a Minister of Economy Tymofiy will be able to use his knowledge and experience effectively to create changes in the interests of the country. As a recognized specialist, Tymofiy has a deep understanding of the economic processes required to effectively modeling ministry’s policies.

The greatest recognition of an economist is to be useful to the state. For this purpose all the scientific works are written and all the years are devoted to academic and practical activity. And we are proud of the Honorary President of KSE joining changes as a Minister of Economy of Ukraine. Kyiv School of Economics supports economic growth in the country. Our main goal is to develop Ukraine on the basis of a strong economic foundation. 

Since the title of Honorary President does not involve managing, executive or administrative  functions, Tymofiy continues doing scientific research, sharing his experience with the younger generation of Ukrainian economists as an academic economist, and inspiring the School’s senior leadership in developing new educational projects. In order to fully and unconditionally comply with the law and to prevent conflicts of interest, Tymofiy will not use his acquired authority in the interests of the School. Without voting rights, he as an Honorary President, will attend meetings of the Board of Directors and the Management Team of Kyiv School of Economics in his after work time.