
KSE Talks #1: Agathe Demarais – What’s really going on with sanctions against Russia?

10 May 2023

Next Monday, May 15, at 4 pm (BST), the first episode of the KSE Talks podcast will be broadcast live! Our guest is Agathe Demarais, Global Forecasting Director at the Economist Intelligence Unit and author of Backfire, a book on US sanctions.

The book analyzes the impact of sanctions on governments, global corporations, and millions of people around the world, as well as the resulting changes. Drawing on interviews with experts, politicians, and residents of countries under sanctions, Agathe explores the unintended consequences of using such diplomatic weapons.

Together with Elina Ribakova, Director of the International Program at KSE, Agathe will discuss the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy, the long-term consequences of restrictions, ways to circumvent them, as well as disinformation and weaknesses of the Kremlin.

Recent research by the KSE Institute shows that sanctions have exceeded the limits of the Russian economy’s resilience. Oil and gas revenues are falling rapidly, the budget deficit is estimated at trillions of rubles, and reserves are quickly depleting.

But can we trust Moscow’s official statistics? Moreover, the list of classified data is constantly growing.

Since Russia can manipulate data and find ways to violate sanctions, it is important to maintain and increase pressure on the aggressor. The Kremlin should be deprived of any opportunity to adapt to the restrictions.

We will discuss how to do this on May 15, at 4 pm (BST) on KSE Talks!

The first episode will be live-streamed on both YouTube and Facebook, with the recording made available on podcasting platforms at a later time.

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