
KSE joined top 10% of the world’s economic institutions doing research on CIS countries

KSE joined top 10% of the world’s economic institutions doing research on CIS countries

The Kyiv School of Economics, the only representative of Ukraine, joined top 10% of the world’s economic institutions doing research on CIS countries in the IDEAS / RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) project ranking.


Of the 1,546 institutions of the world currently represented in this field of research, 10% of the leading institutions were rated, that is 154 institutions. KSE was ranked 130th as of February 2020.


RePEc is an Internet project dedicated to systematizing research in the field of economics. This is the result of the combined efforts of hundreds of volunteer scientists and scientific organizations from more than 70 countries to make economic research accessible.


The fundament of the project is a decentralized database of working documents, articles, books (sections) and software. Much of RePEc’s material is freely available.


The RePEc database provides access to more than 850,000 different materials on economics, finance, management and marketing.


Every month, economists and economic research organizations of the world are ranked by RePEc by the quantity and quality of their scientific publications.


There are 14 549 institutions in 232 countries and territories in the database.


The index is organized by country and field of research and contains research centers, institutes of economics at universities, as well as ministries of finance, statistical bureaus, central banks, analysis centres and other non-profit institutions employing mainly economists.