
KSE Institute launches KSE Talks

9 May 2023

The KSE Institute team announces the launch of KSE Talks, a new series for experts and researchers dedicated to providing in-depth analysis of sanctions, economic policies, and reconstruction efforts.

Through informed discussions and debates, KSE Talks aims to deepen understanding of the economic and political dimensions of the war and promote evidence-based policy solutions that can help support Ukraine’s economic recovery and long-term regional stability in Europe.

Each episode features interviews with leading experts in the field, who provide their perspectives on a wide range of topics, including the effectiveness of sanctions, the impact of the war on Ukraine’s economy, and strategies for reconstruction and post-war development. 

The first guest on the inaugural episode of KSE Talks will be Agathe Demarais, Global forecasting director, Economist Intelligence Unit, and author of Backfire, a book on US sanctions. The book deeply explores the impact of sanctions on governments, global corporations, and millions of people around the world. 

The conversation with Agathe will be led by Elina Ribakova,  Director of the International Program at Kyiv School of Economics.

The episode will focus on the impact of the Western sanctions on the Russian economy, as well as countering Russian disinformation campaigns on sanctions.

To register for the live broadcast, and to access more exclusive content, in-depth economic news analysis, evidence-based policy recommendations, and the latest updates, please, fill out this Google Form