
KSE Foundation and UACC announce fundraising for drones for the frontline

6 May 2022

KSE Foundation and Ukrainian American Coordinating Council announce fundraising for drones and unmanned aerial vehicles for the Ukrainian military on the front lines.

As for now, there is an urgent need for drones with thermal imagers among the Ukrainian fighters who are directly on the frontline. Additional thermal imagers allow aerial reconnaissance to effectively carry out a full range of combat missions and destroy enemy troops at night.

“Drones can be used for target identification (e.g., coordination of artillery fire) and reconnaissance tasks (e.g., transmitting data on the enemy advance, locating targets to hit from javelins so that our fighters could strengthen their positions and prevent the enemy from advancing). But the main thing is that drones save lives since the battlefield is out in the open, and drones allow time for our soldiers to hide from Russian artillery fire,” the military expert Mariia Berlinska comments on the matter of drones.

The first goal of the joint campaign by KSE Foundation and UACC is to cover the basic local need of 25 drones with thermal cameras. In addition, in order to properly support one of the military brigades in the East, we also plan to purchase Autel Evo Dual II quadcopters, the cost of which is $180,000.

“From now on, KSE Foundation in partnership with the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council is raising funds for drones. We are glad that our friends and partners from abroad are joining the fundraiser. Thanks to support and unity, for the past 2 months our military has been rebuffing the Russian occupiers. We firmly believe that with the help of drones, the military will be able to see the enemy in advance, save lives and bring our victory closer,” — says Svitlana Denysenko, the director of KSE Foundation.

We are convinced, the consolidated assistance of charitable organizations, businesses and our international partners will increase the combat capability of the Ukrainian army, effectively neutralize the enemy and save more lives of the Ukrainian defenders.

If you wish to join the campaign to raise funds for equipment for the Ukrainian military, please follow the link: https://kse.ua/support/donation/ ( “Tactical Equipment” option)