
Symposium for a Special Issue of the Journal of Comparative Economics

Symposium «Ukraine: escape from post-soviet legacy?» for a Special Issue of the Journal of Comparative Economics


The symposium gathered world-class researchers and leading policymakers to provide an expert assessment of recent developments in Ukraine, propose solutions of Ukraine’s pressing problems, facilitate dialogue between academics and policymakers, and connect Ukraine’s policymakers and scientists to the global network of experts. During the event, participants discussed fundamental questions like: What needs to be done in Ukraine? How to do it? What needs to be done first? How can we keep support for the needed reforms among the population? 

The symposium includes both academic and policy panels. Panels include

  • Fiscal Policy: Public debt, deficit and austerity
  • Corruption
  • Monetary policy: banking and currency crises
  • Business environment and SMEs
  • Integration with the EU

Detailed agenda can be downloaded here.


  • Gerard Roland, University of California, Berkeley
  • Jan Svejnar, Columbia University, New York City
  • Simeon Djankov, New Economic School, Moscow
  • Erik Berglof, London School of Economics, London
  • Konstantin Sonin, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

A full list of speakers can be downloaded here


  • The Association for Comparative Economic Studies and the Journal of Comparative Economics
  • Kyiv School of Economics
  • The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics of the Stockholm School of Economics
  • The University of California, Berkeley
  • USAID’s Program “Leadership in Economic Governance
  • VoxUkraine
  • Kyivstar
  • Journal of Comparative Economics
  • Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF)