
Ukraine Economy Week 3.0


Ukraine Economy Week is a series of events organized by the Kyiv School of Economics jointly with the National Bank of Ukraine. The Week is centered around the Annual Research Conference of the National Bank of Ukraine organized in cooperation with Narodowy Bank Polski. The event will last from May 28 to June 3.


The Week will feature multiple open discussions, highlighting different aspects of economic development in Ukraine and outlining major points of leverage for economic growth. There will also be public lectures by prominent academic, policy, and business speakers. The Week will gather regulators, international organizations, banking sector, corporations, SME and academia, and will provide a platform for overarching public dialogue to analyze international best practices and shape the development agenda for the Ukrainian economy. The objective of the Week is to promote a meaningful and inclusive discussion on economics that will lead to real thought change and development.


May 28


Public discussion “What is special about Ukraine economy?” – open discussion about the state of the national economy. Academia, business, analitica and government will provide their own point of view raising the issues of: • post-revolutionary excessive expectations vs structural conditions; • universality of economic laws of growth (ie: whether a “special way” is needed and possible for Ukraine); • necessary vs populist decisions.


May 30


Workshop by Dmitriy Sergeyev “Optimal Macroprudential and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union” – the event will be focused on the research conducted by Dmitriy Sergeyev on Macroprudential and Monetary Policy provided by Central banks for countries with open economy which are members of currency unions.


May 31


Open lecture “View of an American Business Journalist: Will Ukraine be Europe’s Next Frontier Economy?” – open lecture by an American journalist on how the Ukrainian economy looks from afar and whether it has the prospect of becoming a Europe’s next frontier economy.


May 31


Annual Research Conference of the National Bank of Ukraine organized in cooperation with Narodowy Bank Polski: Interaction of Fiscal and Monetary Policies – experts from central banks of the USA, Canada, Sweden, Poland, the International Monetary Fund, researchers from leading world universities (the University of California, Berkeley; Duke University in Chicago; Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and other research institutions and expert centers will present their research findings related to the interaction of fiscal and monetary policies and discuss in panel sessions present-day challenges encountered by central banks.


1 June


Публічні дебати “Сучасні тренди монетарної та фіскальної політики: як обрати правильний шлях для України?” – обговорення точок синергії та суперечностей двох найважливіших фінансових інституцій держави – Національного банку та Міністерства фінансів.


The first UEW was organized in May 2017 by Kyiv School of Economics in cooperation with NBU and Visa. The second one, dedicated to the topic “People. Finance Innovations”, was co-organized by KSE and Investment Capital Ukraine in September 2017.