
Better Governance through Access to Public Information: UK Experience for Ukraine


“Ukraine Economy Week: People. Finance. Innovations” is a series of events organized by the Kyiv School of Economics jointly with ICU. The week is centered around two conferences – International Academic Conference “People Matter: Quality of Life and Wellbeing of Individuals, Families and Communities in Post-Transition Economies” in Kyiv and Ukrainian Financial Forum in Odesa. 

The right to access public information is known to be an integral part of good governance. It strengthens a cooperation between government and society making policy process transparent and inclusive. Designing the right procedures aimed at encouraging citizens’ involvement into decision making happens to be a challenging process due to a low capacity of current civil service undergoing transformation itself.

The discussion takes place within the framework of the project “Training on public policy to improve the quality of the reform process” with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation and in cooperation with the Reanimation Package of Reforms.

Format: public discussion
Location: Kyiv School of Econoics, 
92-94 Dmytrivska srt., Kyiv

Timing: September 18, 14.00-18.00


All events of the Week: https://goo.gl/HmdVUd


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kseniia Alekankina by phone 096 491 19 61 or email [email protected].