
Policy seminar “Public opinion as a factor of (non)implementation of reforms in Ukraine. The case of land reform”

We invite you to visit policy seminar "Public opinion as a factor of (non)implementation of reforms in Ukraine. The case of land reform" by communication expert Daryna Marchak.


 During the seminar we will consider the following issues:

  • What do citizens really think – apart from stereotypes disseminated about popular opinion by politicians?
  • Factcheck wanted! Sociological surveys as an instrument to manipulate public opinion.
  • How do different media impact support of reforms by citizens. Expected and unexpected research results.
  • Hidden and unexplored resources to fight manipulations.

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyxtGrSYiGlJ9J-goS8XiGuhV7vRzCh187MQgBb7czmcLnzQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1