
KSE is a partner of Disrupt HR Kyiv ІІ



On February 28, Kyiv will host an international event – Disrupt HR Kyiv II, which takes place annually in 166 cities around the world.

The format of the event is permanent: 14 speakers, 5 minutes per speech.

“Teach us, but do it quickly and concisely!”

If you are an entrepreneur, CEO, HR, community or team leader, and want to be in line with new insights and reflections about working with people, this is an event that you can not miss.

Amoung speakers of Disrupt HR Kyiv ІІ:

  • Iryna Horova, producer, co-founder of the production center MOZGI Entertainment, co-owner of MOZGI GROUP;
  • Kira Rudyk, CEO Ring Ukraine;
  • David Braun, founder of TemplateMonster and Weblium;

and others.

For more information, please follow the link: http://disrupthr.com.ua