
KSE Finance Club: panel discussion on how to find the job in the financial sector


All students and graduates who are thinking about their future careers. For some, it comes easily, and others need more time to understand what exactly is the right job for them.


The real question is: “What should work be?  Where to look and who to listen to?  Where to get experience and mentoring?  What skills to improve?” All of us have thought something similar at some point.

We decided to deal with these issues in the financial sector and invited Igor Mazepa (CEO, Concorde Capital) and Konstantin Magaletskyi (Partner, Horizon Capital) as experts. The format of the meeting is a panel discussion which will be moderated by Egor Samusenko (KSE alumni, 2009).

Our event will be especially interesting for students who see themselves in the financial sector, as well as graduates with 0-3 years of experience. So do not miss this opportunity to ask questions which have been on your mind for a long time and hear an expert’s opinion of the right career moves!