
Case Club. Case interview summary session



So, you are having a case interview, everything is smooth, and then it goes: “Imagine that you have run into CEO and he asks you for a brief summary of your findings…” The moment that makes many stuck and even more anxious to grab all they have come up with and bring it forward in a smart and concise way. Familiar situation? Well, we hope that after our practice session devoted to case interview summary and elevator pitch you will be much more confident in communicating your findings even to the strictest interviewer!


The session will consist of two parts:

  • A little bit theory of how to prepare your summary right + a few thoughts on the elevator pitch
  • 3-4 cases to practice


For everybody, who wants to stop mumbling his/her ideas on the final stage, Case Club is awaiting as usually, on 14th Oct (Sunday) at 11 a.m.