
Competition in economics KSE BrainChamp


All-Ukrainian Competition in Quantitative Economics, held by the Kyiv School of Economics with the support of Genesis, will be held in two rounds. The first round will be held online on February 21 at 17:00. During this time you should solve 20 tasks in 60 minutes. At 18:00, access to the tasks will be closed. The participants who will score the best points will be invited to the final round, which will take place on March 12 at the Kyiv School of Economics.

Students from other cities will be compensated for the fare. The winners will be announced on the same day at the KSE Open House andreceive gifts from KSE and Genesis, Olympiad partner.

Program of the second round – March 12, 2020, Kyiv, Dmitrivska 92-94 Street

10: 30-11: 00 – registration 

11: 00-12: 00 – solving problems

12: 00-12: 30 – awarding certificates to all participants

12: 30-13: 30 – lunch for participants

13: 30-15: 00 – Genesis lecture

15: 00-16: 00 – lecture from KSE professor

16.00-16.15 – presentation of Master’s programs in economics at KSE and awarding the winners



The tasks for the Olympiad will be prepared by Sergiy Kiyashko, Professor of the Kyiv School of Economics and Chief Expert of the National Bank of Ukraine Research Department, Phd. in Economics at Princeton University,