
Policy seminar “On land market” by Oleg Nivievskiy

Weekly research and policy seminars at KSE


KSE invites to the research seminar on the economic impact of land market opening to be held on December 11 at 18:00. 


Abstract. The authors evaluated the various land market opening scenarios and found that the best scenario for economic development was with a minimum set of constraints, financial support for small farms to improve access to capital and increase their productivity. Under this scenario, the additional average annual GDP growth over the next five years may reach 1.9%.


About the speaker. Oleg Nivievskyi is an Assistant Professor at Kyiv School of Economics and a coordinator of the UaFoodTrade research Project conducted jointly with the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). Oleg has more than 15 years of international experience in applied research in agri-food product and factor markets and value chains, as well as in agri-food and regulatory policy impact. His research interest also covers spatial economics, efficiency and productivity analysis. He worked for various development projects. In particular he was in charge of the projects ‘Land Reform Barometer’ (supported by USAID) and ‘AGRICISTRADE’ (supported by European Commission) at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting and ‘German-Ukrainian agricultural policy dialogue’ (supported by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany). Since 2012 Oleg was an Economic policy advisor for Reforming Investment Climate project at World Bank Group in Kyiv. His country experience covers Germany, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ukraine.


Oleg received his PhD in Agricultural Economics and Applied Statistics from University of Goettingen (Germany, 2010) and M.A. in Economics from Kyiv School of Economics/National University ‘Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’ (Ukraine, 2004).



Date&Time: December 11, 2019, 18:00.


This seminar is enabled by the financial support from Sweden