
Academic Seminar “Decision Making under Interval (and More General) Uncertainty: Monetary vs. Utility Approaches”



We need to make decisions in many practical situations, when we have several alternatives, and we need to select one of these alternatives. We will discuss prices and utilities, particularly Individual Preferences, Altruism and Paradox of Love.

About the speaker:


Vladik Kreinovich — Professor of Computer Science at University of Texas (El Paso, TX, USA). His main interests are the representation and processing of uncertainty, especially interval computations and intelligent control. He has published six books, eighteen edited books, and more than 1,300 papers. Vladik is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Reliable Computing (formerly Interval Computations) and several other journals. In addition, he is the co-maintainer of the international Web site on interval computations.

Vladik is Vice President for Publications of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, Vice President for Publicity of the International Fuzzy Systems Association, Vice President of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Fellow of Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence.


  • served as President of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society 2012-2014;
  • is a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Metrological Sciences;
  • was the recipient of the 2003 El Paso Energy Foundation Faculty Achievement Award for Research awarded by the University of Texas at El Paso;
  • was a co-recipient of the 2005 Star Award from the University of Texas System.

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Presentation is available here


Date and time: June 7, 7 PM

Venue: Dmytrivska St, 92-94, room 403