
Preparatory courses in Math and Economics at Kyiv School of Economics


To help its applicants to successfully pass the admission exams, Kyiv School of Economics announce preparatory courses in Math and Economics. They are held for applicants for MA program in Economic Analysis and MA program in Business and Financial Economics.

After attending courses, you will:

  • Get a profound preparation for admission exams
  • Increase your chance to get a scholarship for studying at Economic Analysis program as the decision for providing a scholarship is based on the admissions ranking
  • Be well prepared for passing exams in English
  • Study topics that you didn’t study at your bachelor programs
  • Structure your knowledge
  • Get an excellent start for further studying at Kyiv School of Economics

The instructors are students of the Economic Analysis program.

All classes are conducted in English.

Preparatory courses in Mathematics 

The classes in Mathematics will be held every Thursday starting from February 1. The schedule is the following:

17:00 – 18:20 – session
18:20 – 18:30 – break
18:30 – 19:50 – session

Dates: February 1 – March 1 (5 meetings, 2 lectures per meeting)

Course fee: 500 UAH.

Preparatory courses in Economics

The classes in Economics will be held every Tuesday starting from February 6. The schedule is the following:

17:00 – 18:20 – session
18:20 – 18:30 – break
18:30 – 19:50 – session

Dates: February 6 – March 6 (5 meetings, 2 lectures per meeting)

Course fee: 500 UAH. 

All classes will be held at Kyiv School of Economics at 92-94 Dmytrivska str.

If you want to register for courses please fill in the form: