
The Ministry of Digital Transformation, together with The Kyiv School of Economics and Ukrainian IT companies have set up a fund to fight disinformation about the war in Ukraine

The aim of TruthFund.com is to disseminate accurate information about Russia’s war against Ukraine. People across the world have the right to access truthful facts about the events in Ukraine without fabrication and fake news

Since the 24th of February Ukraine has been fighting for its existence across several fronts at the same time. One of these is the information front, and there is a fierce battle for the truth. Combined with its military attack, Russia launched its propaganda machine at full capacity, trying to distort reality to the whole world. 

Spreading the truth about the war in Ukraine is crucial for victory and brings us closer to winning every day. The whole world needs to hear about the war crimes currently taking place in Ukraine. 

The largest Ukrainian IT companies, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and in collaboration with the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), have established a Truth Fund to combat misinformation.

The “Truth Fund” is a team of Ukrainian professionals, part of the information and digital technology industries, that from the first day of war have been fighting against Russian propaganda. 

From day one, the fund’s team has been fighting around the clock on the information front and combating the spread of fakes and misinformation produced by the Russian propaganda machine. Thanks to these efforts, millions of Russian and Belarusian citizens receive content daily that exposes the brutal and horrific effects of the war on Ukraine and the crimes committed. Every day, images and notifications fill social channels and media platforms so that as many people as possible learn about the real state of affairs and the consequences of Russian aggression.

The fund is currently launching a fundraising campaign and plans to raise $ 20 million to continue its activities and build the necessary infrastructure to fight against misinformation.

“The Kyiv School of Economics has always supported initiatives aimed at protecting and strengthening Ukraine’s intellectual sovereignty. The way Russia is now trying to destroy this with the help of disinformation is unacceptable. KSE is joining the fight of the Ukrainian IT community and the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and will become a partner for the fundraising campaign launched by the Truth Fund” – commenting on the creation of the fund, KSE President Tymofiy Milovanov.

How to take part in fighting for the spread of truthful information about the Russian war in Ukraine:

◼️ USD

Kyiv School of Economics / Economics Education and Research Consortium, Inc.


Account number:


ABA/Routing Number:


Citibank Address:

1775 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC, 20006

KSE address:

Kyiv School of Economics

1350 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1000,

Washington, DC 20036,

P.O. Box 19748



Purpose of payment:

Truth Fund Donation

◼️ UAH

Благодійна організація «Благодійний фонд «Київська школа економіки»

АТ «ОТР Банк»







Ідентифікаційний код за ЄДРПОУ:


Неприбуткова організація:

Ознака неприбутковості 0036

Призначення платежу:

Truth Fund Donation

◼️ EUR



43 Zhylyanska str. Kyiv-33, 01033





Purpose of payment:

Truth Fund Donation


Truth Fund Crypto accounts

BTC: bc1qccuj6wplg4scftrr7vvpzc6q6a5fhmly05ag0f

ETH 0xE276061691fBd32Bed189435cF6942c50FC794c7

USDT ERC20: 0xf91afB7F549F601221Fc3D3A958BaBdD824369e8