
KSE takes the lead in a major international project under the EU Horizon Europe Programme

7 October 2024

The recently EU-funded BRIDGE project, “Building Resilient Innovations in Democracy, Governance, and Excellence,” aims to enhance the innovation and international scientific cooperation capacity of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) (Project #101160337).

As part of this initiative, KSE partners with leading European Universities – Berlin University of Technology (Germany), Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), and the University of Tartu (Estonia) – as well as the Center for Innovations Development (CID) in Ukraine. Together, they will leverage their expertise and best practices to develop and research digital democracy innovations, strengthening the impact of KSE’s research on policy-making and effective decision-making in the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine.

A special key component of the project focuses on the organizational development of KSE, enhancing its capacity to secure grant funding for the sustainability of its research and excellence.

The principal investigator of the project is Oleksandra Keudel,  one of the leading governance researchers in Ukraine and an Associate Professor at KSE.

The project will run until August 31, 2027, marking a significant milestone as KSE coordinates a Horizon Europe initiative for the first time, reinforcing its international recognition. See project description here: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101160337

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