
Grant Program to Support the Government from KSE Ukraine Global Institute

4 June 2024

The Kyiv School of Economics and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine announce the launch of a new wave of the KSE Ukraine Global Institute (UGI) grant program, implemented with the support of the European Union.

The initiative aims to improve research and advise the government on national economic issues from civil society. 

In particular, grants will be awarded to model economic processes, promote Ukraine’s European integration, reform corporate governance, implement priority reforms for economic growth, develop policy briefs and strategic recommendations, and support the implementation of projects of the Ministry of Economy on the path to state development.

The competition is open to non-profit research organizations with relevant experience and expertise, official legal registration (NGO, INGO, or Charitable Organization), physical ability to allocate resources for research, and recommendation feedback from government institutions, as well as independent researchers and experts with relevant experience and recommendations.

The program will award up to 12 grants of varying sizes. The selection committee will select the winners, after which a separate jury will determine the individual grant’s amount and allocation procedure.

Please fill out the online application form here to apply for the program.