
Defense Tech Valley International Investment Summit to Take Place in Kyiv with KSE as an Information Partner

25 September 2024

On October 3-4 in Kyiv, Brave1 is organizing the First International Investment Summit dedicated to the Ukrainian defense tech industry – Defense Tech Valley. Kyiv School of Economics is an information partner of the event.

Hundreds of Ukrainian and foreign investors, manufacturers, military, and representatives of key government stakeholders will share how the Ukrainian defense tech industry has become one of the world’s innovation hubs.

Today, the entire Ukrainian defense tech industry is focused on achieving one goal – providing our military with effective technological solutions. For this purpose, it is important not only to be successful engineers, but also to create an efficient and investor-friendly defense tech business. This Summit will demonstrate to the whole world that Ukrainian defense innovations are not only about the latest technologies, but also about promising business projects. 

During the Summit, investors will learn more about investment opportunities in Ukraine’s defense innovation sector and receive a clear roadmap for investing in Ukrainian defense tech.

Investors will also be able to communicate directly with Ukrainian developers, representatives of the Defense and Security Forces, and government officials to form a better understanding of the development of Ukrainian defense tech.

In addition, Ukrainian developers will pitch their projects to investors to attract additional funding for the development of their products, and will be able to establish partnerships with international investors and manufacturers.

Anyone interested in joining the Summit can register for the event by following the link: investsummit.brave1.gov.ua

Join the largest investment event in the history of the Ukrainian defense tech industry. This is your chance to become part of the creation of a modern global defense tech hub!

Let’s build the Ukrainian defense tech industry together!