
American philosopher, Yale University professor Jason Stanley will give a series of open lectures titled “Erasing History” at the Kyiv School of Economics

8 May 2024

Professor Stanley is a philosopher, expert on propaganda and fascism, and author of five books, including “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them” and “How Propaganda Works”. He also writes about authoritarianism, propaganda, free speech, mass incarceration, and other topics for The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other media outlets.

During his visit to Kyiv, Jason Stanley will give three lectures on how autocrats use education to influence the population.

Authoritarians always target education. They seek to erase identities they disapprove of, substituting them with their own. From colonialism to fascism, authoritarians try to indoctrinate a population to accept their domination. In these lectures, we will explore the strategies autocrats use in the education system and methods to resist them, says the professor.

Everyone is welcome to attend the lectures, subject to pre-registration and availability.

– Lecture “Erasing History: Colonialism”

19.05 11:00

Strategic ways to erase the past are integral parts of projects to place one group higher than others. We begin by discussing two educational practices — colonialism, where one represents one group’s perspective as having a history while erasing the history of another group that is being colonized. 

Register by the link.

– Lecture “Erasing History: From Nationalism to Fascism”

20.05 16:00

There are various kinds of nationalist projects. How do we distinguish the violent sort of nationalist project that underlies imperialism and fascism, from the more benign kind of nationalist project that underlies national identity? What educational practices are associated with each project?

Register by the link.

– Lecture “Reclaiming History”

21.05 16:00

What is education in a democracy? How does a country form a national identity without elevating men over women, excluding LGBTQ+ citizens, or creating one dominant ethnic identity?

Register by the link.