
Action Plan on Strengthening Sanctions against the Russian Federation

25 April 2022

We present the results of the work of a group of Ukrainian and international experts – Action Plan on Strengthening Sanctions against the Russian Federation.

The action plan how to strengthen sanctions against Russia consists of 10 points, they are built on a similar principle: first you can see a proposal for a total ban, then – the first steps:

– oil and gas embargo 

– transport and insurance ban

– all banks with financial sanctions

– recognition of Russia as a sponsor of terrorism and blacklisting of the Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering) (FATF)

– individual sanctions against all involved

– sanctions against Russian state-owned enterprises, including media

– export control and trade restrictions

– secondary sanctions against Russia’s “friends”

– transparency requirements for companies working with Russia and Belarus

– coordination between countries

Sanctions against Russia and the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war

KSE Institute