
KSE Annual Academic Student Conference - call for papers

KSE Annual Academic Student Conference – call for papers

January 26, 2016

The Kyiv School of Economics invites university students to participate in the KSE Annual Academic Student Conference. The topic of this year is “Ukraine at 25: evaluation of the past and plans for the future” and will be held on March 21, 2016 in Kyiv.

2016 marks the 25th year since Ukraine’s independence in 1991. For this student conference, we are looking for papers that reflect on Ukraine’s performance over the last 25 year and/or present ideas on how to prepare Ukraine for the next 25 year.

The conference will bring together talented students to present their research, to exchange ideas and discuss economic issues with other students, researchers and professors.

The language of the conference is English.


Deadline for submission of papers is February 29th

If you have ideas for paper but are not sure whether they fit the conference theme, or you would like to receive feedback on how to improve your paper before formally submit it, please send an email to the conference directors (see below for details).

You can also participate in our workshop on ‘How to write a paper for an international academic economics journal or a column for publication in the Ukrainian press’ which will take place on February 15th at 15.00 at KSE (details will soon follow).


Paper requirements

Your submission should be an original and unpublished work. We prefer papers that create new knowledge, for example, by analyzing data, rather than papers that present abstract theoretical constructs. Papers that summarize the existing knowledge on a specific topic are also welcome as long as such summary leads to clear policy advice relevant to Ukraine.

Please see guidelines and paper requirements. We strongly encourage you to follow the instructions to increase your chance to be selected for presentation at the conference.

A Selection Committee of KSE faculty members will select papers to be presented at the conference. At the end of the conference, a ‘best paper award’ winner will be announced.

How to participate:


If you are interested in participating in this conference, submit your paper by February 29th at [email protected]. Your paper should be written in English.


By March 14th all applicants will be informed whether or not their paper has been selected for presentation at the conference. The authors of the selected papers will be invited to present their research at the conference on March 21st.

Conference directors: Olesia Verchenko, KSE Academic Director ([email protected]) and Tom Coupe, KSE Associate professor ([email protected]).

If you have any questions regarding participation in the conference please contact Artem Panchenko, [email protected], phone (044) 492-80-12.