
Announcement about extension of competitive selection of individual consultant for the position "Research and Communication Assistant"

Announcement about extension of competitive selection of individual consultant for the position “Research and Communication Assistant”

November 25, 2015




Capacity Development for Evidence-Based Land & Agricultural Policy Making in Ukraine Project 

IDF Grant #TF016590

Title of assignment: «Selection of Individual Consultant – Research and Communication Assistant»

Contract #KEI-IC-10

The Government of Ukraine has received a grant from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development towards support of the Capacity Development for Evidence-Based Land & Agricultural Policy Making in Ukraine Project (hereinafter – the Project). This Project is designed to support the Government of Ukraine in development of an agricultural reform strategy and its specific components based on data evidence, and to monitor its implementation. To ensure implementation of the Project, International Nongovernmental Organization «Kyiv Economics Institute», as performer of the Project, intends to employ an individual consultant (hereinafter – the Consultant) for the position ”Research and Communication Assistant”.

Services of the Consultant include consulting services in provision of analytical support for the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and other Government entities for developing a policy based on actual data and promote a dialogue with stakeholders on the key issues of the agricultural component of the country’s economic reform strategy 2015-2020.

International Nongovernmental Organization «Kyiv Economics Institute» invites qualified candidates to participate in the competitive selection of individual consultant for the position “Research and Communication Assistant” (Contract #KEI-IC-10).

Interested consultants should provide information about their qualifications compliance with the requirements for provision ofservices in the form of resume (CV) in Ukrainian and English, which confirm that they are qualified enough to perform the services.

Qualification Requirements 

Mandatory requirements:

1. Higher education in journalism, sociology, philology or in the other related areas;

2. At least 3 years of work experience with the media, social media and the public;

3. Experience in planning and implementation of information campaigns and organization of public events (press conferences, seminars, conferences, round tables);

4. Fluent Ukrainian and working level of English.

Desired requirements:

1. Awareness concerning the issues of land and agrarian reform;

2. Publications in the media and social media on the topic of agrarian, land reform or macro-economic stabilization and reformation in the economic sectors;

3. Experience in infographics preparation and administration of pages in social networks and websites;

4. Master’s degree or academic degree in journalism, sociology, economics or in the other related areas.

The consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures for the selection of individual consultants (IC), as stated in “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers”, dated January 2011 and revised on July 2014.

Expressions of interest with the number of Contract and resume (CV) should be sent by mail or e-mail, addressed to Sergii Kubakh to the address below no later than 17:00, 25 December 2015.


Please indicate message subject “Application for the position «Research and Communication Assistant (consulting services)»”.

International Nongovernmental Organization «Kyiv Economics Institute»,

Kyiv, 1 Ivana Mazepy Str

01010, Ukraine

Capacity Development for Evidence-Based Land & Agricultural Policy Making in Ukraine Project 

For the attention of Sergii Kubakh

tel.: (38-044) 492-80-12

fax: (38-044) 492-80-11