
KSE took part in the creation of #YESUkraine2015 video from VOXUkraine

KSE took part in the creation of #YESUkraine2015 video from VOXUkraine

September 14, 2015

KSE researchers, professors and graduates participated in the creation of sensational video from VoxUkraine. Video describes all you need to know about Ukrainian reforms in 6-minute.

For years, Ukraine’s ruling elite have promised to deliver on critical reforms. But these promises remain unfulfilled. Since 1992 Ukraine’s economy has floundered, while Poland’s has flourished. The country’s elite profited from the disfunction. Ukraine has consistently failed at reforms. It ranks 96th in Doing Business, 142nd in Corruption Perception and belongs to 50 countries with the worst rule of law.

In this video prepared for the12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, VoxUkraine shows how this time is different from the previous unsuccessful attempts to reform the country, concluding that this path leads to the progress.

This video was prepared for the 12th YES Annual Meeting: “At Risk: How New Ukraine’s Fate Affects Europe and the World” by VoxUkraine thanks to the financial support of Dragon Capital.