
Non-Tariff Measures in the Context of Export Promotion Policies - paper by Elena Besedina published at FREE

Non-Tariff Measures in the Context of Export Promotion Policies – paper by Elena Besedina published at FREE

May 22, 2015

Free Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies has published a working paper by Elena Besedina, Senior Economist and Assistant Professor at KSE.

This brief focuses on the role of non-tariff measures (NTMs) in international trade. While multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations have resulted in worldwide reductions in tariffs, we observe an increasing trend in the application of non-tariff measures. In this brief, we will discuss the evidence of the effect of such measures on exports. The brief also contributes to the discussion of export promotion policies: whether governments, especially in developing countries, should concentrate their efforts to remove only external barriers since there is empirical evidence that internal barriers are no less important for exports.