
Educational and inspiring tour by the Kyiv School of Economics

Educational and inspiring tour by the Kyiv School of Economics

May 24, 2013

Within a course by Pavlo Sheremeta “Strategy and Leadership”, KSE is organizing a three-day tour (May 31 – June 2) to three Ukrainian cities (Vinnytsya, Ternopil, and Lviv) in order to introduce to the KSE students the best practices of municipal and corporate governance as well as the fundamentals of effective strategy development both for the cities and for the businesses located therein.

The Tour program will include meetings with mayors, overview of municipal development practices and the city-creation art with regard to efficiency of city governance, investment climate improvement and top-priority aspects of city advancement. It will also include the master classes by successful businessmen from these cities with account for innovative business strategies and success sectors (how to become #1 in business).

The following companies will hold master-classes for the KSE students: “Roshen” Corporation, Holding Company “Kusto Group”, Agroholding “Mriya”, Holding of Emotions “!FEST” and IT Company “SoftServe”.