
We invite you to participate in the Monopoly Tournament

Monopoly Tournament

We invite you to participate in the Monopoly Tournament

April 1, 2013

Kyiv School of Economics jointly with the partner club “Mir-Igr is pleased to invite you to become a member of the KSE Business Games Club. Registration for the Fourth game session is now open. This spring we launch the Tournament in the world-known game “Monopoly”.

The rules are very simple:
there will be 4 sessions for 4-7 teams in spring. After the first session we made the ranking of the most rich (according to the game rules) players. This ranking will be updated after each session. Thus, 6 most rich players will meet in the Finals. You may participate only once during the Tournament. The winner will receive the certificate for 700 hrn in “Mir-Igr”, the Second and the Third Prizes will be 500 and 300 hrn certificates respectively.

Do you consider yourself the Monopoly guru? Or you just love playing this game? Invite your friends and come to KSE on 11 April at 18:30 to participate in the third spring session of the Tournament.

The Monopoly Tournament will take place at KSE (13 Yakira Str.) on Thursday, 11 April, at 18:30.

Mir-Igr” is the Ukrainian company offering a variety of board games for purchasing and playing.