
KSE team among the Finalists of the CFA Research Challenge

KSE team among the Finalists of the CFA Research Challenge

February 13, 2013

We are glad to announce that KSE team qualified for the Finals of 3rd CFA Institute Research Challenge to be held on 21 February 2013.

Based on the written report grading results, the only 10 university Teams would compete at the Ukrainian Finals for the opportunity to represent Ukraine at the Regional Finals in London. KSE team consisting of the KSE second-year students Iurii Berezhnoi, Mykhailo Iavorskyi, Zoryana Podilchuk, Anna Sagatovych and Borys Trofimov, is among  the TOP 10 teams of the 3rd CFA Institute Research Challenge.

We congratulate our students and wish them good luck in the Finals!