
Ask alumni – get to know KSE more!

Ask alumni – get to know KSE more!

July 18, 2016

If you are planning to apply to the KSE Master’s programs this year or are still thinking about it, we invite you to talk to our graduates. They will share the insider information about studying at KSE and career prospects for alumni. Write them a message on Facebook and get to know KSE more.

What do our students do? Why do they have very little time and a lot of deadlines? How many cups of coffee do they drink every day? Is there a life after KSE? 🙂 You can get answers on these questions directly from people who went through this path – KSE graduates.

You have an opportunity to learn more about studying at KSE from professor of University of California, Berkeley, associate of McKinsey&Company, business analyst of EPAM and other graduates who work in different fields.

Learn more about this opportunity at www.kse.org.ua/en/education/ask-alumni/