
KSE Insights “Critical Success Factors as a Business Management Tool” by Timur Sarbaev


Kyiv School of Economics is pleased to invite you to the next open master class in Strategic Planning “Critical Success Factors as a Business Management Tool” delivered by Timur Sarbaev, Business coach and business consultant.

You will learn about:

– the concept of CSF;

– how to determine Critical Success Factors for your business;

– how to apply Critical Success Factors:

    • CSF Business Analysis;
    • Design a winning business model;
    • Build a strategy.

Working language: English 

About a speaker: 

Business coach and business consultant with 7 years’ experience. Member of the Supervisory Board in 6 companies. General Director, Commercial Director, Director on operational policy and business development, Manager of franchising branch, National manager on sales in big local and foreign companies, Consultant on business assessment and development, optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise, business planning.

Among his client are: “NESTLE” Corporation, “ROSAN” Corporation, CJSC “Megatex”, “SPAR Ukraina”, TM “Mobilochka”, UMC, “TAC” Insurance Group, Metallurgical complex “Azovstal”, Trade House Megapolis, Agrobank, Creditprombank, Insurance company “Etalon”, Raiffeisebank Ukraine”, CJSC “Postulat”, Optima-telecom, “Kupol” Group, “Ukravtozapchastyny”, MT-bank, “SAP Ukraina”, “Zeppelin Ukraina”, CJSC “Odessa cognac house” (TM “Shustov”), “STOIK” Group, “Dilovyi Styl” LLC, «Maskotte»,”Rodovid Bank”, “Public industrial-investment company”, “Altis-Holding”, “ALLO” LLC and others.

The Master class will be followed by short KSE MBA Presentation.

Date: December 10. 7:00 pm

Venue: Kyiv School of Economics, room 106 (1 I. Mazepy st.)

Please, register!  http://goo.gl/forms/PCGhvM2aHh